L-ANT/05 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge of the essential elements of Latin papyrology, of the millennial history of scripture, of latin scripture and book history.

Knowledge of the methodology and use of papyri, tablets, inscriptions, for the reconstruction of political history, social and economic of ancient Rome.

Acquisition of reading ability and understanding of the documentary papyri, identifying private or public and contextualizing the contents.

Course Structure

Traditional, helped by new technologies for the reading of ancient documents.

Detailed Course Content

Papyrology and historical development, documentary papyri. The alphabetical scriptures. Latin scriptures. Other materials. The ancient book.

During the lessons documents of different nature will be showed and discussed.

Textbook Information

- M. Capasso, Introduzione alla papirologia, Il Mulino – Bologna 2005, pp. 1-247.

- O. Licandro, Augusto e la res publica imperiale. Studi epigrafici e papirologici, G. Giappichelli Editore – Torino 2018, pp. 1-354.

- G. Purpura, Diritto, papiri e scrittura, Giappichelli Editore – Torino 1999, pp. 1-202.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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