IUS/18 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge of Roman political institutions in the dynamics of the political and constitutionsal life of ancient Rome, from the origins until the Justinian period.

Knowlegde of institutional mechanisms and balance of power systems in the various phases in which the history of Rome articulates. Knowledge of the birth of the central and peripheral administrative structuring.

Awareness of the metodology and critical use of documentary basics of ancient history regardless of the nature of the documents themselves (literary, legal, epigraphic, papyrological, numismatics, etc.) for the reconstruction of the institutional systems over the centuries.

Knowledge of great themes, like “sovereignity”, “government”, “democracy”, “citizenship”, “guarantees”, and of the transition phases.

Course Structure

Traditional, helped by new technologies for the reading of ancient documents.

Detailed Course Content

The political and the constitutional history of Rome in the succession of its different phases (monarchy, republic, empire), with the particular attention to the institutional transition

The monarchy. Etruscan reforms. Passing to the res publica.

Magistracy, people and senate assemblies.

Central and peripheral administrative organization. The government of the conquered territories in the Mediterranean: the provinces.

August and the genesis of the empire.

The nova officia and the birth of the imperial burocracy.

The Severe and the universalis empire.

The new attitude of the empire from Diocleziano to Costantino.

The Roman empire crisis.

The germanic sovereigns. The Theoderic protectorate.

Justinian dominance and the attempt to refound the empire.


During the lessons documents of different nature will be showed and discussed from which critical examination will produce elements of general reconstruction of context, general representation and political institutional functions in the relationship between power and citizens (or foreigners or slaves) and also with the other organs of the state.

Textbook Information

- O. Licandro – N. Palazzolo, Roma e le sue istituzioni politiche dalle origini a Giustiniano, Giappichelli Editore – Torino, 2019, pp. 1-450.

- A. Schiavone, La storia spezzata. Roma antica e Occidente moderno, Editori Laterza – Roma/Bari, 2002, pp. 260.

- S. Mazzarino, La fine del mondo antico. Le cause della caduta dell’impero romano, Rizzoli Editore – Milano, 2002, pp. 1-195.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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