L-ANT/03 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students must acquire:

knowledge of the main teaching methodologies developed in the research in didactics of Roman History, with reference to the specific role of the teacher and to the conceptual, epistemological and didactic problems of teaching and learning this discipline, according to the development of semiotic skills as well as the expansion of the expressive and cognitive potential in the specific disciplinary area;

ability to design and develop teaching activities in Roman History, through the acquisition of the methodological foundations for constructing specific activities and, more generally, activities within the Sciences of Antiquity, keeping in mind the needs of strengthening and consolidating necessary practices to achieve the objectives of training and education in the discipline, functional to a correct contextualization of the complex and multiple aspects related to the ancient and late antique world;

methodological awareness and knowledge of data organization and interpretation techniques, through the critical use of historical and historiographical sources and also auxiliary sciences;

acquisition of the teaching and learning processes of Roman History mediated by the use of technologies, with particular attention to new digital technologies, to the specific role of the teacher, to conceptual, epistemological and didactic problems.

Detailed Course Content

In the academic year 2018-2019 students will carry out:

the critical analysis of the main teaching methodologies developed in the research in didactics of Roman History, with reference to the specific role of the teacher and to the conceptual, epistemological and didactic difficulties of teaching and learning the discipline, functional to developing semiotic capacity as well as expansion of the expressive and cognitive potential in the specific disciplinary area, in particular on the problematics of Dekadenzidee and of the “Late Antiquity’ explosion”.

They will learn the elements for:

the planning and development of teaching activities in Roman History, through the acquisition of the methodological foundations for constructing specific activities and, more generally, those within the Sciences of Antiquity, keeping in mind also the needs of strengthening and consolidating necessary practices to achieve the objectives of training and education in the discipline, functional to a correct contextualization of the complex and multiple aspects related to the ancient and late antique world and focused to a better knowledge of the different approaches to the “ways” of History, so that we can go beyond the contrast between classical and decadent age in a vision of cultural interaction.

They will attend:

• the ‘laboratory’ for learning Roman History, deepening the techniques of data organization and interpretation, through the critical use of literary, epigraphic, papyrological, numismatic and historiographical sources used for a reliable historical reconstruction of the problems of marginalization in the Roman world.

They will deepen:

the study of history teaching and learning processes mediated by the use of technologies, with particular attention to new digital technologies, to the specific role of the teacher, to conceptual, epistemological and didactic problems.

Textbook Information

Unit A: Historical problems. Continuity and Transformation (4 ECTS)

1- M. Mazza, Lotte sociali e restaurazione autoritaria nel III secolo d. C., Roma-Bari 1973, parte I, pp-1-115 (Laterza)


1- Georg G. Iggers-Q.E. Wang-S. Mukherjee, A Global History of Modern Historiography, London- N. Y., pp. 250-301; 364-400


2- A. Momigliano, Le regole del gioco nello studio della Storia antica, Annali della scuola normale di Pisa 4, 1974, pp. 1183-1192


2- A. Giardina, Esplosione di Tardoantico, <> 40/1, 1999, pp. 157-180


3- D. Musti, Il pensiero storico romano, in G. Cavallo-P. Fedeli- A. Giardina (a cura di), Lo spazio letterario di Roma antica, I, Roma 1989, pp. 117-280 (Salerno editrice)


4- A. Schiavone, La storia spezzata. Roma antica e Occidente moderno, Roma-Bari 1996, pp. 270 (Laterza)


4- C. Giuffrida-M. Cassia (a cura di), Silenziose rivoluzioni. Atti del convegno Catania-Piazza Armerina, 21- 23 maggio 2015, Catania 2016, pp. 250, selezione di contributi, (Edizioni del Prisma).


Unit B : Economic, Ethnic and Gender Marginality (2 ECTS)

1-V. Neri, I marginali nell'Occidente Tardoantico, Bari 1998, pp. 150, Introduzione, capp. a scelta, Conclusioni, (Edipuglia)


2- Cl. Giuffrida Manmana, Il potere e i suoi inganni, Acireale-Roma 2013, pp. 67-200, (Bonanno Editore).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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