In reference to Unit A, the course is aimed at:
the reconstruction of the historical development of the Greek alphabetical writing and its peculiarities in the Greek society;
It has for purpose:
the knowledge of the essential elements of Greek epigraphy and of the main themes related to the origin of alphabetic writing in the Greek world, to its multiple forms of use, in relation also to the many materials and supports, to the different dialectal and graphic characteristics and its diffusion and evolution until the Roman era.
It therefore provides for:
knowledge of the historical geography of the Greek world and of the epigraphist tools (main epigraphic repertoires (paper and digital), bibliographic guides, sitography).
It is dedicated to:
consciousness of the methodology of use of inscriptions as multidisciplinary sources, in parallel with the other documentary bases of ancient history to reconstruct, in their contextualization, the multiple aspects of Greek civilization both in the private sphere and at the political-institutional level;
is focused on developing the ability:
to describe and recognize the various material characteristics and the different types of inscriptions, with their specific forms, and their expressive and communicative purposes and to identify their private or public sphere and the geographical and chronological context;
of autonomously dealing with an epigraphic text: reading, translation, dating, paleographic comment, linguistic and literary framing, historical interpretation;
to communicate in an effective and clear way, through the use of the specific lexicon of the discipline, the acquired knowledge and the reflections elaborated on the main themes and problems posed by an epigraphic text.
In Unit B the course provides for:
the knowledge, mainly acquired through specific inscriptions, of some problems of Greek civilization, such as the role of women and the relevance of religion and / or magic.
In reference to Unit A (4 CFU), the course is aimed at:
the reconstruction of the historical development of the Greek alphabetical writing and its peculiarities in the Greek society; the knowledge of the historical geography of the Greek world and of the epigraphist tools; the showing of the acquired knowledge and the reflections elaborated on the main themes and problems posed by an epigraphic text.
In Unit B (2 CFU) the course provides for:
the knowledge of some problems of Greek civilization, mainly conducted through specific inscriptions, such as the role of women and the relevance of religion and / or magic.
The Greek epigraphy in their historical development. During the lessons will be read and commented Greek inscriptions from the Archaic to Hellenistic and Roman period, Photocopies of the texts will be distributed and a Power Point will be uploaded.
Unit A:
M. Guarducci, L'epigrafia greca dalle origini al tardo impero, Roma 20052, pp. 466 (Ist. Pol. dello Stato)
M. L. Lazzarini, La scrittura nella città. Iscrizioni, archivi e alfabetizzazione, in S. Settis (a cura di), I Greci. Storia, Cultura, Arte, Società, vol. 2.II: Definizione, Torino 1997, pp. 725-750;
E. Culasso Gastaldi, L’epigrafia greca, in G. Poma (a cura di), Le fonti per la storia antica, Bologna 2008, pp. 193-216.
Unit B:
F. Ferrandini Troisi, La donna nella società ellenistica. Testimonianze epigrafiche, Bari 2000, pp. 120 (Edipuglia)
M. Girone, Iamata. Guarigioni miracolose di Asclepio in testi epigrafici, in Pinakes, III, Bari 1998, pp. 1-168 (Levante);
T. Alfieri Tonini, Iscrizioni greche della Sicilia sud orientale: Apollo e Artemide, in Convivenze etniche e contatti di culture. Atti del Seminario di Studi, Università di Milano (23-24 novembre 2009), Aristonothos, IV, 2012, pp.187-208;
G. Bevilacqua-S. Giannobile, Magia rurale siciliana: iscrizioni di Noto e Modica, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 133, 2000, 135–146.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.