2 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course develops skills , through theoretical and practical knowledge that allow the basics learning ability for analitycal phase’s quality check and assessment and the implementation of basic works in Medical Laboratory.

Acquisition of knowledge on the correct organization, inside an analysis laboratory, of the most important operatives instruments and their running repairs. Knowledge of a Laboratory Information System (LIS)used to supervise the analytical demand, to process and to store informations produced by operatives analytical instruments ; internal quality control, control chart use.

Experiment in practical training by analitycal methodology.

Course Structure

Lectures in the classroom and practical exercises in the laboratory.

Detailed Course Content

Knowledge of the analytical phase in Laboratory Medicine with particular details on the use of Quality Controls and their control charts.
Practical theoretical exercises on basic manual methods.
Practical theoretical exercises on the MODULAB laboratory management application with particular reference to the management of a computerized diagnostic warehouse

Textbook Information

M. Fiore, M. Ferrante "The research laboratory: theoretical-practical manual" - LSWR

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