L-LIN/06 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at investigating linguistic differences between Standard Spanish and American Spanish; a deep knowledge of the mainstream authors of Latin American Literature is also required. A further aim of the course is to develop critical awareness and interpretation of literary texts from the period under investigation.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons.

Detailed Course Content

The course provides an overview of the Hispanic American literary history, from the Independence to the present day, paying attention to the innovative structures of Spanish American fiction, through the analysis of Quiroga’s works.

Textbook Information

a) Anthology:

América en el corazón. Antología literaria, selección y notas de José Calero Heras y Francisco Gomariz Sánchez, Barcelona, Ediciones Octaedro, 1993 (from the beginning of the XXth century to the present day, fifteen pieces related to the authors chosen by the student).


b) Literature:

G. Bellini, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Castalia, 1997 (from the beginning of the XXth century to the present day, fifteen authors chosen by the student).



J. Franco, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana (Edición revisada y puesta al día), Barcelona, Ariel, 1987 (from the beginning of the XXth century to the present day, fifteen authors chosen by the student).


c) History:

D. Pompejano, Storia dell’America latina, Milano, Mondadori, 2012 (from the beginning of the XXth century to the present day, the contexts related to the authors chosen by the student).




(N.B.: The in-depth study and seminar proposed for the Spanish American Literature courses change every academic year)


Critical text:





Critical text:

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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