Know and identify disorders Swallowing disorders in order
neurological, oncological, neurodegenerative in childhood and adulthood.
Knowing identicare and evaluate communication disorders in the adult acquired neurological.
Fill with competence and professionalism logopedic folder identifying the rehabilitative needs of the Person
Implement simple and complex treatment protocols speech therapy, in the disorders being studied in
evolutionary and adulthood
Identify the rehabilitation needs of the person in childhood and adulthood.
Formulate the corresponding therapeutic targets through specific procedures of functional assessment
logopedic rehabilitation with protocol and methodology aimed at laryngeal paralysis
frontal lessons on video
21 hours cfu 3
mandatory attendance
Total Laryngectomy
Sub-Total Laryngectomy
Laryngeal Paralysis
La sordità prelinguale – A. Martini, Omega Ed.
Audiologia a foniatria - R. Albera, Ed. Minerva Medica
Deglutizione e cannula tracheale. Come gestire il bambino disfagico e tracheotomizzato - O. Schindler
Manuale di foniatria e logopedia -A Amitrano, A Schindler e GRuoppolo - SEU Ed
La sordità infantile - S. Burdo- Ed ELSEVIER
La rieducazione tubarica -E Lederlé, J. Kremer Ed Omega
La balbuzie: prevenzione e terapia - F.P. Murray, Ed Omega
Deglutologia ;O. Schindler,A.Schindler,G. Ruoppolo. Ed.Omega;
Logopedia e Disfagia S.Raimondo A.Accornero ,T.Rossetti;ed.Carocci Faber;
La Specificità logopedica: Valutazione e Bilancio; L.Borgo Ed.Cerro
La voce edizione Piccin
Linee guida FLI disfagia