L-LIN/01 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

At the end of my course, students

1) should have acquired a general knowledge of the concepts and methods of the discipline;

2) on the basis of this knowledge, they should be able understand and discuss linguistic hypotheses starting from the observation of texts and examples;

3) they will be able to effectively select and consult the most recent tools of Italian and foreign lexicography.


Through laboratory activities, students will:

• acquire the necessary phonetic transcription skills (useful for example in consulting any dictionary, Italian or foreign);

• learn to represent the morphological structure of Italian words according to some theoretical models;

• understand and represent the syntactic structure of italian sentences, comparing Italian with other languages.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into three modules:

1. Fundamentals of linguistics: Levels of linguistic analysis (phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics). Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics. Linguistic typology. Textual linguistics;

2. Idiomaticity, vocabulary and dictionaries: Linguistic research and multimedia technologies: lexicon, usage dictionaries; characteristics of the main Italian and foreign monolingual dictionaries;

3. Interlinguistics.

Textbook Information

Fundamentals of Linguistics (6 CFU)

1. G. Graffi, S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 1-168, 207-337.

2. M. Frascarelli, F. Ramaglia e B. Corpina. Elementi di sintassi, Cesena/Bologna, Caissa Italia, 2014, pp. 207.


Those who want to learn more about the topics of this module can also refer to:


Idiomaticity, lexicon and dictionaries (2 CFU)

3. M. Aprile, Dalle parole ai dizionari, Bologia, Il Mulino, 2009, capp. IX, X e XI, pp. 161-231

4. Introduzione al Grande Dizionario della Lingua italiana (GraDIt), di T. De Mauro, Torino, Utet, 1999, vol. I, pp. VII-XLII (da integrare con le Introduzioni al Vol. VII [2004, pp. VII-XVI] e al vol. VIII [2007, pp. VII-XIII]).

5. Postfazione al Grande Dizionario della Lingua italiana (GraDIt), di T. De Mauro, Utet, Torino, 2000, vol. VI, pp. 1163-1183.

6. Presentazione - La trama del dizionario di F. Sabatini - V. Coletti, Dizionario della lingua italiana, Varese, Sansoni, 2012, pp. 7-16.

7. S. Menza, L’informazione sintattica in A. Lanaia, S. Menza, S.C. Sgroi, S.C. Trovato, I. Valenti (a.c. di S.C. Trovato), Per un Nuovo Vocabolario Siciliano, Palermo, Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 2010, pp. 37-64.


Interlinguistics (1 CFU)

8. D. Gusmani, Interlinguistica in E. Campanile, E. De Felice, R. Gusmani, R. Lazzeroni (a c. di R. Lazzeroni), Linguistica storica, Roma, Carocci, 1987, pp. 87-114.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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