L-FIL-LET/14 - 12 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The Course aims to introduce new students to the main Concepts of Literary Contemporary Debate, through different and culturally basic samples of Literary Criticism and Literary Texts. The course is divided into three parts, each one of 24 hours: the first part is an introduction to the comparatistic methodologies, the second and the third are dedicated to the application of the categories of reception, rewriting, adaptation and transmediality.

Detailed Course Content

The Course is divided into three modules. The first proposes a mapping of the different perspectives of the comparative study of literatures. The second module offers two examples of rewriting of the myth of Oedipus: Edipo re (1967) of Pier Paolo Pasolini, in the double form of the screenplay and the film; Incendies (2003) of Waidj Mouawad from which Denis Villeneuve has drawn the film of the same name. The third one is dedicated to the relationship between literature and photography, to its different thematic expressions and to the interplay between the two aesthetic codes.

Textbook Information

  1. Introduction to Comparative literature (4 cfu)

A. Gnisci (a cura di), Letteratura comparata, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2005.

  1. Transmedial Adventure of a mith: Oedipus between Literature and Cinema (4 cfu)


Sofocle, Edipo re (ed. a scelta);

P.P. Pasolini, Edipo re, Milano, Garzanti, 2013;

W. Mouawad, Incendi, trad. it. di C. Gozzi, Corazzano (Pisa), Titivillus, 2009;


P.P. Pasolini, Edipo re, Italia, 1967;

D. Villeneuve, La donna che canta (Incendies), Canada, 2010.

Saggi critici:

M. Bettini, G. Guidorizzi, Il mito di Edipo. Immagini e racconti dalla Grecia ad oggi, Milano, Mondadori, 2005;

M. Fusillo, La Grecia secondo Pasolini. Mito e cinema, Roma,, Carocci, 2007, (cap. 1);

C. Rizzo, Incendies
dal testo di Wajdi Mouawad al film di Denis Villeneuve, in «Studi Comparatistici», 2015, nn. 15-16, pp. 197-218.


  1. Literature and Photography (4 cfu)

R. Ceserani, L’occhio della medusa. Fotografia e letteratura, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011;

Gli scrittori e la fotografia, a cura di D. Mormorio, prefazione di L. Sciascia, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1988.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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