Goals : The course aims to provide students with the essentials knowledge of the main urological and andrological disease, the clinical course and the complications. At the end of the course, the student should know the basics of the main urological and andrological diseases and their diagnostic evaluation and the principal surgical and medical treatment.
The student should know main methods and machines used in diagnostic imaging; to understande the diagnostic process of main diseases; to learn how to prepare patients before radiodiagnostic procedures, namely when contrast administration is required
Lessons (generally for 2 hours) as scheduled in the calendar – available in the following link:
1. Anomalies of urinary tract: hypospadias, epispadias, megaureter, ureterocele, posterior urethral
valves, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, cystic disease;
2. Haematuria: etiology, other sources of haematuria;
3. Urinary tract infections (lower and upper UTI) including:
a. Tubercolosis;
b. Sexually Transmitted Infections (like HPV);
4. Urolithiasis: etiology, diagnosis, medical and surgical management;
5. Urinary incontinence: continence mechanism, urodynamics, neurological bladder, urinary
incontinence in women;
6. Lower urinary tract obstruction:
a. Uretral stenosis;
b. LUTS (lower urinary tract symptons): storage and voiding symptoms;
c. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: IPSS score, medical and surgical management;
7. Prostate cancer: PSA and other molecular biomarkers, diagnosis, medical and surgical
8. Neoplasms of kidney and upper urinary tract, renal cysts;
9. Neoplasms of the bladder: diagnosis, disease management;
10. Neoplasms of the testis;
11. Pathologies of the scrotum: testicular torsion, hydrocele, varicocele;
12. Kidney trauma.
- Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: From Research to Bedside. Editors: Giuseppe Morgia Giorgio Russo. Paperback ISBN: 9780128113974
- Porpiglia F. – “Urologia” – editore Minerva Medica
- Collegio dei Professori Universitari di Prima Fascia in ruolo e fuori ruolo- “Manuale di Urologia e Andrologia” - Pacini Editore Medicin
1) Compendio di Radiologia” di Roberto Passariello e Giovanni Simonetti Editore Idelson – Gnocchi.
2) Fernando Mazzuccato – Anatomia Radiologica Tecniche e Metodologie in Radiodiagnostica (Piccin)