M-PED/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

One of the aim of this course is the conceptualisation and the reflection on the notion of ‘formativity’, ‘education’ and ‘learning’ since these are pivotal elements and tenets of the pedagogy in the contemporary society. In fact, the postmodern and post ideological society, requires a new anthropological and cultural socialization thanks to a critical thinking, which is seen as the most effective philosophical landscape of the complex thinking.

Detailed Course Content

Investigating and analysing the most important 20th century pedagogical theories and their interdisciplinary nature which had led to meta- reflective pedagogy with a new identity and function. In fact, the different pedagogical reflections try to address the complexity of the human nature and the individual and social needs.

In this sense, a global education thought the didactic of the knowledge, represents one of the credible path of progressives societies.

Textbook Information

A. Mariani, F. Cambi, M. Giosi, D. Sarsini, Pedagogia generale. Identità, percorsi, funzione, Roma, Carocci, 2017;

F. Cambi, Pedagogie del Novecento, Bari, Laterza, 2005;

E. Morin (con E. – R. Ciurana e R.D. Motta), Educare per l’era planetaria,Roma, Armando, 2005;

E. Morin, I sette saperi necessari all’educazione del futuro, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2001.


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