L-ART/03 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

A critical approach to contemporary art, from 1800 to the present day, along three different directions:

- methodological and critical issues about contemporary art and its theoretical and technical features;

- stylistical aspects of contemporary art through the analysis of prominent artists and movements;

- an interdisciplinary approach.

Detailed Course Content

The course will begin with a sketch of the historical evolution of contemporary art from 1800 to the present day. The second part will be focused on Sixties in Italy.

Textbook Information


From Neoclassicism to the present Day

The student will choose one between the following texts:

- C. Bertelli - G. Briganti - A. Giuliano, Storia dell’arte italiana, Electa - Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1992 (or subsequent editions), vol. IV;

- I. Baldriga, Dentro l’arte, edizione rossa in tre volumi, vol. 3, Dal Neoclassicismo a oggi + Art history in CLIL Modules (libro digitale e CD), pp. 1-504, Mondadori Education \ Electa scuola, Milano 2016.


“B” MODULE – FOCUS ON: 1968 in Italy: Tradition VS Revolution

The student will study the following text:

Nascita di una nazione. Tra Guttuso, Fontana e Schifano, a cura di L. M. Barbero, catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Palazzo Strozzi, 16 Marzo – 22 Luglio 2018), Marsilio, Venezia 2018, pp. 5-206.



The student will choose one between the following texts:

- O. Chiantore, A. Rava, Conservare l'arte contemporanea. Problemi, metodi, materiali, ricerche, Electa, Milano 2006, pp. 18-169.

- E. Crispolti, Come studiare l’arte contemporanea, Donzelli, Roma 2005, pp. XIII-XVIII, 3-104.

- F. Menna, La linea analitica dell’arte moderna: le figure e le icone, Einaudi, Torino 1975, pp. 3-113.

- F. Poli, Il sistema dell’arte contemporanea. Produzione artistica, mercato, musei, Laterza, Bari 2010, pp. 3-111.

- A. Vettese, Capire l’arte contemporanea, Allemandi, Torino 2006, pp. 7-128.

- G. Dorfles, Ultime tendenze nellarte di oggi: dallInformale al neo-oggettuale, Feltrinelli, Milano 1999.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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