M-STO/08 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with issues and methods to place the library in the current social context and to provide methods and tools for the management of library services.

Detailed Course Content

- Principles of Librarianship.

- Planning and Management of Libraries, Library services and Documentary circulation.

- The Library and Librarian in the contemporary Society.

- SBN, Opac, local catalogues.

- Special collections.

- The library of Federico De Roberto.

Textbook Information

Students will study the following manual:


- Giovanni Solimine, La biblioteca. Scenari, culture, pratiche di servizio. Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2004 (p. 200)

- Mauro Guerrini, La biblioteca spiegata agli studenti universitari, Milano, Ed. Bibliografica, 2012 (p. 200)

- Simona Inserra, La biblioteca di Federico De Roberto, Roma, AIB, 2017 (in particolare le p. 7-100)

- Fa parte integrante del programma il materiale messo a disposizione nelle pagine della Commissione nazionale biblioteche speciali e biblioteche d’autore ( e il materiale messo a disposizione dalla docente su Studium (in tutto circa 100 pagine)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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