BIO/09 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

learn about the functioning of the human body regarding the ralational life

Detailed Course Content

Endocrine system

- Generalities on hormones. Definition and classification of hormones. Biosynthesis, secretion and transport of hormones. Hormonal activation and inactivation. Mechanisms of action of hormones. Hormonal regulation of homeostasis. Hormonal interactions. endocrine methodologies.

- Neuroendocrinology. Functional anatomy of the hypothalamus, pituitary and ependymal organs of the third ventricle.

- The thyroid. functional anatomy. The iodine metabolism. Regulation of thyroid function. Thyroid hormones and their physiological effects. Thyroid interaction with other endocrine systems.

- The adrenal cortex. functional anatomy. General biosynthesis of steroids. ACTH. Glucocorticoids. The mineralocorticoid. Sex steroids adrenal.

- The metabolismofo phosphocalcium. metabolism of calcium, phosphorus and other skeletal ions. Bone physiology. The parathyroid hormone. Calcitonin. Vitamin D. Other hormones that affect bone and mineral homeostasis.

- The endocrine pancreas. functional anatomy. B cells and insulin. Insulin functions. The a and glucagon cells. Mechanism of action of glucagon. Relations between pancreatic glucagon and enteroglucagon. The d and somatostatin cells.

- Endocrine role of prostaglandins.



Reproductive function.

- Function of the female reproductive organs. ovarian cycle. ovary function. Puberty. Menopause. Tubal ovarian functions. Period. estrous cycle. Chemistry and functions of the ovary sterodei organs. Physiology of sexual intercourse. Contraception. Extra-ovarian hormonal influences on the ovary. Physiology of pregnancy. fetal nutrition. Fetal circulation and respiration. Lactation and control of the secretory process.

- Function of the male reproductive organs. Spermatogenesis. Seminal ducts and glands. Puberty. Physiology of sexual intercourse. Extra-testicular hormonal influences on the testicle. Actions of androgens and effects of the removal of the testicles.


Nervous system.

- The spinal cord. The reflex activity. Reflections extension and stretching. The decline reflected. He reflected figures. The alpha-range ring. The ways of somatic sensibility. Epicritica sensitivity and protopatica. Spinal rolling. Odologia the ascending bundles. Hemisection. spinal shock.

- The thalamus. The specific and nonspecific nuclei. thalamic cortical projection areas.

- The descending projection systems. Via corticospinal, rubrospinale, retico-lospinale, vestibolospinale and interstiziospinale. extrapyramidal system definition. The basal ganglia: anatomofunzionale their organization.

- The muscle tone. Tone and posture. Segmental and suprasegmental regulation of muscle tone. Rigidity decerebration.

- The cerebellum. functional anatomy dell'archi- of paleo and neo-cerebellum. Effects of the total or partial cerebellectomia.

- Vestibular apparatus. Structure and function. Static and dynamic vestibular reflexes. The motion sickness. The nistagrno. Caloric stimulation. Response to linear and angular accelerations.

- Sensory functions. The epicritica sensitivity (touch and cenesthesia) and protopatica (thermal and pain). Muscle proprioception, tendon and joint. The ear and hearing. The Eye and Vision. The taste. smell

- The level of vigilance. Sleep and its stages. Elettroncefalografici rhythms. The arousal reaction. The seizure activity of the cerebral cortex.

- Neurophysiology of behavior. Generality. dipsico behavior, food and sex. Anxiety and aggression.

- Higher nervous functions. Cortical association areas and the processes of integration. Memory and learning. Lateralization and brain dominance. The language centers. Effects of commissurotomy in humans. Consciousness.

- The cranial nerves. Description and function.

- The cerebrospinal fluid. chemical and physical characteristics and functions. Blood-brain barrier, blood-CSF and CSF-brain.

- The conditioned reflexes. classical and instrumental conditioning. Autogenous training. Adaptation and learning.

- Autonomic nervous system. Functional anatomy of the ortho- and parasympathetic system. Reflections vegetative visceral-somatic and somato-visceral.


Interaction between nervous, endocrine and immune systems

Textbook Information


Autori: Grassi - Negrini - Porro
Editore: Poletto Editore
Anno: Ottobre 2015
Pagine: 960 - Immagini: 1200 - Volume Unico

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