SECS-P/08 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students (enrolled at the second year of their undergraduate programme in Business Administration) are requested to learn concepts and theoretical frameworks in important issues within the management of firms, as: principles of modern management; meaning of "doing business" within different forms, typologies and contexts; operating systems of firms, both startups and existing companies interpreted in the perspective of the original framework "Capabilities-Processes-Competitiveness" and in different competitive contexts.

Students are also expected to combine acquired knowledge and their abilities to boost their competencies in terms of: interpreting the competitive context where firms operate, evaluating the business idea and the swot analysis of a firm, using the business model canvas to interprete and evaluate the firm's strategies, understanding the governance and the R&D and innovation processes, evaluating the competitiveness drivers according to the framework "Capabilities-Processes-Competitiveness", understanding and implementing the principal firm's competitiveness indicators

The course is taught in Italian language and both oral and written exams are held in Italian.

Course Structure

Detailed Course Content

  1. Capabilities, Processes and Competitiveness
  2. Entrepreneurial and Managerial Capabilities
  3. Capabilities of Interpreting the Competitive Context
  4. Corporate Governance Processes
  5. R&D and Innovation Processes
  6. Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Processes
  7. Strategic Processes (Business Strategies)
  8. Strategic Processes (Corporate Strategies)
  9. Organizational Processes
  10. Marketing Processes (Market and Customer Management)
  11. Manufacturing Processes (Operations Management)
  12. Services Management Processes
  13. Financial Processes
  14. Firms Competitiveness and Business Models

Please, see the following multimedia sites where teaching materials are posted:

Textbook Information

Open in PDF format Versione in italiano