4 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The basic objectives of the course are to learn and improve the English language, with special attention given to the semantic and pragmatic of the disciplinary language. The course will give the necessary tools to understand and analyze authentic original texts in English to meet the students’ everyday needs.

The disciplinary objectives are to develop the four communication skills (speaking, reading, writing, understanding) using an interactive approach.

Course Structure

The teaching module will consist of 28 hours of formal in-class lecture time (4 credits).
The following teaching methods will be adopted:
frontal and formal interactive teaching by means of reading/listening and comprehensions, translations and analyses of medical texts with true/false questions, gap fills, grammar exercises, multiple choice questions, Use of English and open questions.


The final exam will include an oral test.

Detailed Course Content

The following topics will be dealt with during the course:
basic grammar of the English language, focusing on the most common forms used in medical English;
main linguistic functions;
linguistic functions focusing on health care topics, dietetics and food science;
very specific medical scientific vocabulary;
diet and nutrition.

Textbook Information

Texts used: "English for Medicine" - Zanichelli. Photocopies provided by the teacher during the lessons.

" Mastering Grammar", authors: Angela Gallagher and Fausto Galuzzi - Pearson - Longman. ( Grammar from the level A1 to the level B1 of the CEFR)

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