ICAR/12 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The teaching spreads an iterative design process, able to drive to the formulation of informed decisions, based on knowledge of the building and its context. The proposed approach helps in assessing design solutions able to adequate buildings to use needs, as well as in selecting the most appropriate design solution among several compatible alternatives. The rehabilitation project aims to achieve an optimal balance between conservation and usability of goods to which we can attribute a market value. The course also emphasizes sustainability of maintenance, refurbishment and adaptive reuse at both technical and strategic levels.

Course Structure

The course includes lectures, seminars and practical exercises. Learning process check tests (optional) will be scheduled (open-ended questions and drawings).

The final examination consists of a discussion on the topics covered in the lectures and the practical exercises, in order to test the achieved knowledge.

The course will be held in English, if necessary.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Definitions of Technology, Technique, Rehabilitation, and subject.
  2. Evolution of the Rehabilitation branch of knowledge in Italy.
  3. The conservation-transformation relationship and the categories of intervention.
  4. The concept of Compatibility, the values of heritage buildings and the constraints to transformation.
  5. Building and urban maintenance.
  6. Building and urban redevelopment.
  7. Adaptive reuse.
  8. Building enhancement.
  9. Urban regeneration.

Textbook Information

  1. Caterina, G., Pinto M.R., Fabbricatti, K., Oppido, S., De Medici, S., De Toro, P. and Bianchi, A. (2004), Reusing and Managing the “Real Albergo de’ Poveri” of Naples: Evaluation and Re-Design for Improved Efficiency. In: Shiem-Shin D T, Johnes K and Hinks J eds, Proceedings of the CIB W70 International Symposium on the “Facilities, Management and Maintenance” Hong Kong 7-8 December, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 129-139.
  2. De Medici S., Senia C. (2014), Valorizzazione degli edifici dimenticati. Lo stabilimento enologico Rudinì di Pachino. Enhancement of Abandoned Buildings. Rudinì Winery in Pachino, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 978-88-568-4684-3).
  3. Douglas J. (2002), Building adaptation, Butterworth-Heinemann Publishing, London.
  4. Pinto M.R., De Medici S. (2017), The ‘system of values’ and the constraints to transformation for regenerating architectural heritage, in: Miano P. (a cura di), Heritage, temporality and materiality. Perspectives Exchange between Italy and Philippines, Clean, Napoli (ISBN: 978-88-8497-619-2), pp. 78-99
  5. Pinto M.R., De Medici S., Senia C., Fabbricatti K., De Toro P. (2017), Building reuse: multi-criteria assessment for compatible design, International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology (ISSN: 1630-7267), 22: 165-193.
  6. Worthing D., Bond S. (2008), Managing Built Heritage. The role of cultural significance, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
  7. Huston S., Rahimzad R., Parsa A. ‘Smart’ sustainable urban regeneration: Institutions, quality and financial innovation, Cities, 48, 2015: 66-75.
  8. Couch C., Sykes O., Borstinghaus W., Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: The importance of context and path dependency, Progress in Planning 75, 2011: 1-52.

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