ICAR/17 - 12 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The Laboratory of Representation and Descriptive Geometry has as its objective to make the student aware of the potentialities subtended by the graphical means for the analysis, the prefiguration and the communication of the Architecture, allowing him to explore in an extensive way the techniques and the modalities of the drawing of architecture. The constant, conscious and assiduous exercise is the only means to achieve this objective and for this reason a condition of total immersion is foreseen in the graphic practice. The use of traditional techniques and tools will be integrated, during the year, with the use of advanced computer-assisted drawing software. In this Laboratory will be held the teaching programs traditionally provided in the courses of Descriptive Laboratory of Representation and Descriptive Geometry, integrating them continuously with exercises and applications that will show the intimate disciplinary unity.

The training objectives of the Representative Laboratory and Descriptive Geometry are:

- to make the student able to correctly use the drawing tools;

- to make the student able to handle the main geometric constructions and to draw complex geometric patterns;

- to make the student able to represent the architecture in plan, elevations, sections;

- make the student capable of designing objects and complex architectures in perspective;

- make the student capable of designing complex objects and architectures in the three standardized axonometries;

- lead the student to the knowledge of Monge's projections and make it capable of representing geometric entities, simple and complex solids, dissecting them and obtaining representations in true shape and size even through the overturning of plans;

- to teach the student to recognize and reproduce in a schematic way the shadows in perspective, axonometric and projections of Monge;

- to make the student able to recognize and draw the main harmonious and remarkable relationships;

- analyze architecture with the use of drawing.

Course Structure

Teaching in Laboratory of Representation and Descriptive Geometry will take place mainly in the classroom. Each student must be provided with the tools for geometric drawing. Frontal lessons and drawing exercises, researches and applications will alternate in a dense and continuous manner. During the exercises there will be corrections and didactic talks in order to verify the progress of individual learning and support personal motivations. There are some outdoor drawing exercises both freehand and geometric, on large supports. Some integrative activities will allow a basic approach to CAD drawing softwares.

Detailed Course Content

Drawing represents the elective instrument of making architecture and has always been the means through which design thinking unfolds. With the certainty that the practice of architecture must firstly be based on the clear knowledge of the technical and conceptual tools of traditional design, for training purposes, for the first few months the use of computer-assisted design is excluded, which will concern only the central and final part of the course. However, the use of manual techniques and elementary materials will be fundamental: paper, cardboard, pencils, colored crayons, watercolors, compasses, rubber, rulers and teams. The acquisition of a basic technique and a refined manual will allow, in the course of the studies to appreciate and use at best, with the fullest awareness the tools offered by modern technology.

The topics covered are the following:

- Technical and theoretical tools of drawing,

- Elementary graphic language,

- Elementary geometric constructions,

- Harmonic relationships and musical harmony,

- Methods of representation: technique and conceptual value,

- Geometric schemes and patterns,

- Foundations of graphic analysis,

- Languages: alphabet and architectural orders,

- Orders of architecture of Vignola

- The functions of the drawing

- Complete representation of an architectural project

- Projections of Monge: reference model and representation of geometric entities, flat and solid figures,

- Monge projections: sections and overturning of floors,

- Perspective: reference model and representation of geometric entities, flat and solid figures,

- Perspective: measuring points,

- Axonometry: reference model and representation of geometric entities, flat and solid figures,

- Axonometry: oblique and orthogonal projections. Trace triangle,

- Axonometry: normalized ISO axonometries,

- Theory of shadows: shadows in projections of Monge, axonometry, perspective.

Textbook Information

1) R. De Rubertis, Il disegno dell’architettura, Roma 2002.

2) M. Docci, Manuale di disegno architettonico, Roma - Bari 1985.

3) E. Dotto, Il disegno degli ovali armonici, Catania 2002.

4) E. Dotto, Costruzioni geometriche. 60 esercizi di tracciamento con la riga ed il compasso, Siracusa 2007.

5) E. Dotto, Introduzione all’analisi grafica. Una nota didattica, Siracusa 2008.

6) E. Dotto, La sinagoga di Hurva di L. I. Kahn. Analisi grafica, Roma 2012.

7) E. Panofsky, La prospettiva come forma simbolica, Milano 1988.

8) L. Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di architettura, Milano 1977, in particolare la lezione sesta, La geometria dell’architettura, pp. 146-194.

9) I. Stewart, Che forma ha un fiocco di neve?, Torino 2003 (What Shape is a Snowflake, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 2001)

10) V. Ugo, Fondamenti della rappresentazione architettonica, Bologna 1994.

11) N. Meuser, Construction and Design Manual. Drawing for Architects, DOM Publishers, Berlin 2015.

12) R. Florio, Sul Disegno- About Drawing, Officina, Roma 2012.

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