ICAR/14 - 12 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge of the architectural discipline foundations - an initial and indispensable moment in the student's cultural and design training: the first sentence from critical redesign, drawing graphic designs and realization of a plastic, of a contemporary architect works; The second was done to improve the importance of the shape-structure-type relationship in the process of designing the architecture project.

Detailed Course Content

The course will be introduced by the presentation systems norms and on technical, constructive and graphic standards of the residence project. The first exercise that students will face will be the analysis of single-family cases of some masters of contemporary architecture. The subsequent exercises will continue to study the single-family residence, which is related to the theme of the relationship between morphology, typology and construction. Students will be assigned as part of a typological and structural construction project. There will then be addressed: the Gothic Lot House and the Patio House developed in the stereotomic and tectonic construction variant. The critical reading of the works studied and the elaboration of the studies of architecture and other monographs on the masters of the Modern Movement: A. Loos, F., L. Wright, Le Corbusier, L. Mies van der Rohe, A. Aalto and L. Kahn.

Textbook Information

C. Martì Arìs, Le variazioni dell’identità, il tipo in architettura, Città Studi, Milano 1990; pp.47-96, 133-176.

B. Messina, Spazi domestici del XX secolo, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, 2008

A. Monestiroli, The metope and the triglyph, SUN, Amsterdam 2005

U.Cao, Elementi di progettazione architettonica, Ed.Università Laterza Architettura, Roma-Bari, 1995.

M.P.Vitruvio, De Architectura Libri X, a cura di Franca Bossalino, Ed. Kappa, Roma, 1998.

Livio Vacchini, Capolavori – 12 Architetture fondamentali di tutti i tempi -, Ed. Allemandi & C., Torino, 2007

M.Bonaiti (a cura di), Architettura è. Louis I. Kahn, gli scritti, Ed. Electa, Milano, 2002.

V. Pizzigoni (a cura di), L.Mies Van der Rohe - Gli scritti e le parole -, Ed.Einaudi, Torino, 2010.

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