ICAR/18 - 8 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

By acquiring knowledge and suitable methodological tools, it urges critical training on the structural hinges of the history of architecture to make sure that the students of each architectural work know how to belong to a precise historical-cultural context, environmental and landscaping, and also recognize its constructive, functional, formal and typological specificities.

Detailed Course Content

The course traces the path of Western architecture from the ancient to the medieval times, not excluding the specificity of the Sicilian territory and its inhabited centers. In choosing the passages of the various historical epochs or, in a nutshell, the nodal structure of the political, economic, and social context that is the background of the architectural one, the choice falls on works which, by the quality of the design response, the complexity of the interwoven instruments linguistic, protagonist, pre-existence, functional program, are examples of links that link architecture to its urban, territorial and environmental sphere

Textbook Information

1) L. Mumford, The city in history, New York 1961; ed. ital., La città nella storia, Bompiani, Milano 1967

2) H. H. Kubach, Architettura romanica, Electa, Milano 1972

3) C. Manco, Architettura bizantina, Electa, Milano 1974

4) L. Grodecki, Architettura gotica, Electa, Milano 1976

5) J. W. Perkins, Architettura romana, Electa, Milano 1979

6) R. Martin, Architettura greca, Electa, Milano 1980

7) R. De Fusco, Mille anni d’architettura in Europa, Laterza, Bari 1993

8) P. Gros, Architettura romana. Dagli inizi del III secolo a.C. alla fine dell’alto impero. I monumenti pubblici, Longanesi, Milano 2001

9) R. Bonelli, C. Bozzoni, V. Franchetti Pardo, Storia dell’architettura medievale, Laterza Roma 2002

10) A. Grohmann, La città medievale, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003

11) P. Morachiello, La città greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003

12) P. Gros, La città romana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004

13) C. Bozzoni, V. Franchetti Pardo, G. Ortolani, A. Viscogliosi, L’architettura del mondo antico, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006

14) E. Lippolis, M. Liviadotti, G. Rocco, Architettura greca : storia e monumenti del mondo della polis dalle origini al 5. Secolo, Mondadori, Milano 2007

15) P. Morachiello, V. Fontana, L’architettura del mondo romano, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009

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