L-ART/03 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Designed as a workshop, the goal of this class is the implementation of structures and methodological tools for knowledge, description and interpretation of places. Subject of attention are territories of contemporary town. The purpose is the knowledge of visual media, above all photography, intended as tools for vision education and as project exercise. The main goal isn't a photographers or visual communication experts training but a students look education about landscape and architecture ways of seeing.

Detailed Course Content

Through a series of lessons, through some "landscapes visions", this workshop tries to start a vision education, looking for useful traces to the architectural project. It's a visual education that uses comparison with other and different visions of the contemporary landscape. It's a look that chooses what to see, it uses the interpretative system of description as a tool to give back the knowledge experience. A first study of the history and technique of photography is realized through the vision and the story of various authors works and poetics.

Textbook Information

diego mormorio, un'altra lontananza, sellerio, 1997.

john berger, about looking, Writers and readers, london 1980.

luigi ghirri, lezioni di fotografia, quodlibet, 2010.

susan sontag, on photography, farrar, straus and giroux, new york 1973.

robert adams, beauty in photography, aperture, new york 1981.

roland barthes, la chambre claire. Note sur la photography, Gallimar, Seuil 1980.

david bate, photography. The key concepts, berg publishers, new york 2009.

irene alison, irevolution, postcart, 2015.

augusto pieroni, portfolio, postcart, 2015.

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