L-ANT/03 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To show the main phases of the history of ancient Sicily; to promote a proper use of literary, epigraphical and numismatic fonts; to present the most important theories of modern scholars about the main themes of the history of ancient Sicily; to provide instruments and methods to study and to process historical data.

Detailed Course Content

Fonts about the history of ancient Sicily; greek settlements in Sicily; Sicilian tyrants; the democratical interlude; Dionysius the Elder and his successors; Timoleon in Sicily; Agathocles’ reign; Sicily during the Punic wars; the first Roman province; Sicily as Rome’s granary; Sicily in the second century B.C.; Verres’ gouvernment; Sicily in the first century B.C.; Sextus Pompey, Octavian and Sicily; Sicily in the Augustan age; Roman emperors and Sicily; Sicilian latifundia under the Roman empire; Sicily from the fourth to the sixth century A.D.

Textbook Information

General course: Sicily from the Archaic age to the Roman age

L. Braccesi- G. Millino, La Sicilia greca, Carocci, Roma 20103.

C. Soraci, La Sicilia romana, Roma 2016.


Second cycle degree’s students who chose this subject must study also:

  1. D. Palermo, Agrigento arcaica, Falaride e le città sicane dell’entroterra, in L. Cicala e B. Ferrara (a cura di), Kithon Lydios. Studi di storia e archeologia con Giovanna Greco, Napoli 2017, pp. 557-565;
  2. E. Galvagno, Demokratía a Siracusa?, «ASS», 2, 2008, pp. 15-46;
  3. T. Gnoli, La battaglia delle Egadi. A proposito di ritrovamenti recenti, «RSA», 41, 2011, pp. 47-86;
  4. R. Zucca, Venus Erycina tra Sicilia, Africa e Sardegna, in A. Mastino (a cura di), L’Africa romana. Atti del VI convegno di studio (Sassari, 16-18 dicembre 1988), Sassari 1989, pp. 771-779;
  1. G. Salmeri, I caratteri della grecità di Sicilia e la colonizzazione romana, in Colonie romane nel mondo greco, cur. G. Salmeri, A. Raggi e A. Baroni, Roma 2004, pp. 255-307.

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