M-PSI/08 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Accompany the student in focusing on the processes that contribute to the construction of gender identification. Will be encouraged to develop a critical view of the most common stereotypes of interpreting reality, making use of knowledge that comes from developmental psychology, from ethology, sociology, anthropology and psychoanalysis. p with sexuality. Will discuss the issue and feminist aspects of her stay in our historical moment and the issues associated with the male and female homosexuality and the afterlife of sexuality. The enigma of enjoyment "normal" and "evil", the "sex addiction" and the use of the body in society "post-human". Recent discoveries in neuroscience and their relationship with psychology and psychoanalysis, will allow a better understanding of "the enigma of pleasure."

Detailed Course Content

What is normal and what is not? The question of deviance from the norm will be the starting point to define some crucial specificity of the human being, among them the relationship with sexuality. Will discuss the issue and feminist aspects of her stay in our historical moment and the issues associated with the male and female homosexuality and the afterlife of sexuality. The enigma of enjoyment "normal" and "evil", the "sex addiction" and the use of the body in society "post-human". Recent discoveries in neuroscience and their relationship with psychology and psychoanalysis, will allow a better understanding of "the enigma of pleasure."

Textbook Information

  1. - Lo Castro G. - Il transessuale ed il sembiante: la sua questione ed il sociale. In: Vitelli R. e Valerio P. a cura di ), Sesso e genere: uno sguardo tra storia e nuove prospettive. Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2012, pp. 83-112.
  2. - R. Calabria, Alle radici dell’oggetto in psicoanalisi, Uno sguardo sul feticismo, da Freud a Lacan, ed. Alpes, 2017.
  3. - Roudinesco E'. La parte oscura di noi stessi. Angelo Colla Editore, 2008
  4. - Zizek S. – Leggere Lacan, guida perversa al vivere contemporaneo. Bollati Boringhieri, Mi. 2009

Una delle due combinazioni

  1. Opzione 1 : Ansermet F. Magistretti P. Gli enigmi del piacere. Bollati-Boringhieri, Mi. 2012. e K. Lorenz Il declino dell’uomo, saggi Mondadori, Mi.
  2. Opzione 2 - Colombo e Villa - Il sogno di Telemaco . Ed. Ancora, Milano, e Di Stefano F. Il corpo senza qualità. Arcipelago Queer. Cronopio Na 2010

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