BIO/14 - 8 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To provide relevant information to the knowledge of the toxic effects of substances of considerable environmental importance and their impact on organs and systems

Detailed Course Content

1° module: Risk assessment and toxicity

Biomonitoring of populations exposed to environmental xenobiotics. Bioindicators and biomarkers as sensors of biological response. Biotic indices.
Mechanisms of toxicity: genotoxicity, embryotoxicity, carcinogenesis, cell death and apoptosis.


2° module: Food toxicology

The food chain and its key role in the transfer of xenobiotics from the environment to living organisms.

3° module: Toxic substances of considerable environmental relevance

Textbook Information

1) Galli, Corsini, Marinovich, Tossicologia – Piccin

2) Hodgson, Tossicologia- Edises

3) Casarett & Doull's: Tossicologia EMSI

Texts for insights

4) Paoletti, Nicosia, Clementi, Fumagalli: Ecotossicologia UTET

5) Paoletti, Nicosia, Clementi, Fumagalli: Tossicologia molecolare e cellulare UTET

6) Paoletti, Nicosia, Clementi, Fumagalli: Tossicologia degli alimenti UTET

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