IUS/01 - 10 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding

The teaching of Civil Law proposes the knowledge of specific areas of private law, in particular with regard to some institutions of the law of obligations and contracts in general part, taking care to ensure understanding, through the proper critical analysis of certain profiles at the center of the doctrinal and jurisprudential debate, while respecting the unique educational-professional nature of matter.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The aim of the course is to enable students to develop appropriate skills of analysis and criticism of the process of knowledge achieved, favoring the acquisition of independent judgment.

Detailed Course Content

The bonds. The bond, the subject and the object. Fulfillment and failure. Failure and liabiity of the obligor.

The contract. Contractual autonomy. Concepts and sources. The elements of contract. The representation. The conclusion of the contract. The effects of contract: between the parties and third parties. Invalidity, termination and simulation. The resolutions and the contingent management. The consumer contract.

Textbook Information

Diritto civile. Norme, questioni, concetti, I, a cura di G. Amadio e F. Macario, Bologna, 2014, pp. 319-370; pp. 417-434; pp. 537-553; pp. 583-708; pp. 743-955.

We reccomend also A. DI MAJO, Codice civile, ultima edizione, Giuffrè, Milano, 2017.

The total load is 420 pages.

Students still in debt with the teaching can upgrade the programme with immediate effect.

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