MAT/03 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to allow the students to master the theories and techniques of Advanced Linear Algebra, of the geometry of affine and projective spaces, of affine and projective hypersurfaces, of the rudiments of differentiable curves and surfaces.

The students will be able to apply these theories and techniques either to abstract or to concrete problems.

Detailed Course Content

The detailed program of the course is available on the web page of the course:


Brief description of the contents:

Bilinear forms, generalized inner pooducts. Real and complex inner products, ortogonality, linear maps preserving inner product.

Adjoint endomorphisms, normal matrices, Spectral Theorem for normal operators.

Affine spaces, linear subspaces and their direction. Parallelism. Intersection and linear span of subspaces. Dimension and codimension of subspaces.

Isomorphisms of affine spaces, isometries. Projective spaces, linear subspaces. Intersection and join of linear spaces. Dimension and codimension of linear spaces.

Isomorphisms of projective spaces, projective transformations, fixed points of a projective transformation.

Affine and projective hypersurfaces and their relations. Intersection with a line, simple and multiple points. Tangent lines to a hypersurface in a point,

tangent cone, tangent space and their equations. Bezout Theorem and its applications. Flexes of a curve and the Hessian curve. Polarity and its geometrical meaning.

Group structure on a plane cubic curve and some applications.

If time allows, a brief introduction to the theory of differentiable curves and surfaces.

Textbook Information

a) E. Sernesi: Geometria I, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino

b) E. Sernesi: Geometria II, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.

c) C. Ciliberto: Algebra Lineare, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino

Hand written notes about the last chapters of the course are freely available at the internet page of the course : II.html


Moreover, the previous web page contains many exercise and written exams, most of them also with a fully solved.

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