INF/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: To acquire knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts of computer systems architecture and of methodological principles that drive its development, in the historical perspective of their evolution.

Applying knowledge and understanding: To acquire problem solving capabilities in computer system design, by trying to solve on-purpose proposed problems, and abilities to make use of, to design and to implement software tools, such as simulators and interpreters, for abstract machines at the lowest levels of computer system organization.

Making judgements: To be able to compare and evaluate the quality of solutions to design problems for computer systems.

Communication skills: To acquire communication skills and proper language to communicate, even with nonexpert people, about problems relating to functioning, design, implementation, and evaluation of computer systems.

Learning skills: To develop the ability to adapt one's own knowledge to the rapid evolution of the discipline and to keep up-to-date through specialized sources in the field.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into 12 lectures (36 hours) and 12 lab tutorials (36 hours). Detailed contents are available in the "Guida rapida all'insegnamento":

Textbook Information

  1. C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic, S. Zaky & N. Manjikian : Introduzione all'architettura dei calcolatori. Third italian edition, McGraw-Hill Education (Italy), 2013
  2. Supplementary notes provided by the teacher during lecture development.

Access to other educational material is given through the Guida rapida all'insegnamento.

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