SECS-P/13 - 9 CFU - 2° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

1. Knowledge and understanding. The course aims at giving students the basic knowledge needed to analyze and clarify the causes of change in production techniques and the effects that these changes cause in the industrial system. The path chosen for achieving these goals is the use and analysis of the multiple attributes of technology in its continuous dynamism also in connection to some relevant phenomena such as: the phases of the innovation process, the competitive advantage of technological innovation in the economic system; the types of production structures in relation to the technologies used, especially in the field of information technology and industrial automation, and of the role played by quality and certification of production cycles.
2. Skills in applying knowledge and understanding. As a final result, students will have a tool that can provide them with an overview of the various issues that need to be addressed in a production framework. In particular, students with this acquired knowledge will be able to carry out the analysis of the production system in which they operate and assess the technological innovations which have greater importance in industry in order to achieve competitive business advantages.
3. Making judgments. The course, also in view of the different types of production processes and the ways in which industrial production is organized today, aims at putting students in a position to assess, independently, the inherent qualities of technologies on the market, their positive and / or negative features, both for production and the environment, so as to implement appropriate choices for their business needs. By paying particular attention to the issues, at the end of the course students can express independent judgments, assess and identify which technologies in relation to a particular industry, are the most appropriate for satisfying the needs of a modern and dynamic company today.
4. Communication skills. The student is given the opportunity to communicate and interact with third parties adequately using the knowledge acquired. In particular the student will be able to tackle the problems that arise with the appropriate terminology that will allow him/her to show communication skills and interaction which are also useful in working relationships.
5. Learning skills. In keeping with the themes of the discipline, from the beginning of the course students are given timely advice and encouragement to actively participate as much as possible in the entire educational process and to improve their self-study methods, in order to effectively learn the subject better, which has specific characteristics in terms of learning, through an appropriate inductive - deductive process. During the lessons the lecturer continually checks, topic by topic, to see if the learning process is taking place efficiently, when necessary revising teaching methods during the year, in order to better adapt the course to the concrete achievement of this important goal, taking into account the real classroom mix. In this context, assessment with a final exam is a natural and logical outcome of the learning process, which is constantly monitored and improved, also to avoid a traumatic approach to examinations.
Assessment of this descriptor is carried out both during the lectures, in specific progress tests and a final one.

Prerequisiti richiesti

Basic knowledge of business systems and the factors of production, quality systems

it is very important to have a good knowldge of english language, particullary business and economics forms and terms

Frequenza lezioni

he course is divided into two-hour lectures organised over three days a week; roughly a month of lessons for each module; in the classroom the lecturer has slides specially prepared to explain the course content very thoroughly. Furthermore lectures are enriched by discussions about production cycles, classroom input, from case studies, etc.
The course, worth 9 CFU, is organized in three modules, each of which is worth 3 ECTS, and requires a total work load of 225 hours (lectures: 60 hours; self study: 165 hours). The course programme is divided into three modules, planned to deal with the topics in sequential and balanced order. Attendance is normally compulsory. The teacher motivates students to actively attend, arranging for their exam at the end of the module only if they have a minimum percentage of attendance at lectures (80%).

Contenuti del corso

I MODULE (3 credits)

Description of the programme. Module title: technological dynamics
The link between science, technology and the dynamic evolution of technology. Technology in the economic system. Technology and the relevant structural and environmental changes. Technology as a function of production and as a system of technical variables. Features of technology. Evaluation of intrinsic qualities of a technology. Technology and product life cycle. Research, Development and Innovation. Research players. The European, Italian and Sicilian situation. Technology transfer. Payment of Technologies
Partial credits awarded: 3 CFU

MODULE II (3 credits)

Description of the programme. Module title: Technology in productive activities

Kinds of inniovations, examples of tecnologies in production cycles . Automation and control of industrial production with electronic systems. Automation of the control of procedure and production by parts. MU / NU, industrial robots, AGV, FMS; CAD / CAE areas, CAPP, CAM. Systems of production flows: the push and pull and "just in time" logics.
Partial credits awarded: 3 CFU

MODULE III (3 credits)

Description of the programme. Module title: Voluntary Quality Management
The evolution of the quality agreement : product quality ; from CWQC to TQM; total quality: the quality according to ISO 9000/94, ISO 9000/2000 *, ISO 9000/2008, ISO 9000/2015. The certification actors. The certification of products and the company system, * Certification process, presentation of the quality manual. The quality pyramid. The quality of services. The statistical tools of quality control * control charts, bar charts, Pareto’s analysis. The management of quality control instruments *, diagram arrows, tree diagram, the error tree; management of hygiene and safety in food systems.
Partial credits awarded: 3 CFU

Testi di riferimento

- Bolay- Schimid-Tejada- Hezboun, Technologies for development: scientific cooperatiocooperation for a sustainable future, 2012,Springer. - Redmond- Lock, Educational innovations and contemporary Technologies, 2015,Springer. - Dodgson- Salter, The management of tecnological innovations, 2008, Springer.
- Grade A., S. Vicari, G. Verona - "Technology, Innovation, Operations" - Ed. Egea, Milano, 2006;

- Henderson, Jeffrey. "Globalisation of high technology production" Routledge, 2002.

- Kipphan, H. (Ed.) "Handbook of print media: technologies and production methods". Springer Science & Business Media, 2001

Altro materiale didattico

Students will be given photocopied handouts during the course.

Programmazione del corso

 *ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1*Presentation of the subject. Technology in the economic and productive System*. Difference between technology and techniques*. Examples: production cycles in oil derivatives; production of electricity; production of cement. Science and Technology. TechnoBolay- Svhimid- Tejada-Hazboun, Technologies and innovations for development: scientific cooperation for a sustainable future. 2012. Springer  
2  Science as the origin of technology: Nuclear energy; the science of solid materials. Technological progress as a source of new scientific principles: new materials, nuclear fusion energy. 
3 Origins of technological innovation: technology push and demand pull*. The first technological revolution: the Industrial Revolution. Process and product innovation; example: the innovations in the sulphur industry*. Radical and Incremental innovation;Bolay- Svhimid- Tejada-Hazboun, Technologies and innovations for development: scientific cooperation for a sustainable future. 2012. Springer  
4 Technological Progress and the Environment: water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal and electromagnetic pollution, pollution from technological accidents*. "Sustainable development". Technological progress, socio-economic transformation 
5 Production function and production factors*. Technological progress and the production function. Technology as a function of technical variables example 
6 fractional distillation*, different thermal power plants, tecnical feasibility and costs effectiveness in innovation*, industrial revolution in economics history, industrial concentrations and global organizations*, rate of technological progress, technology as a system of variables and its efficency 
7 The evaluation of the intrinsic quality of an example of technology. Types of ''indicators'': process reliability, uniformity of product specifications, system flexibility, real potential. Environmental indicators 
8 Evolution and life cycle of technologies and a product*: characterization of the stages of implementation, expansion and development, saturation, obsolescence. Technology and production costs; the vanishing point. Model of product and process innovationBolay- Svhimid- Tejada-Hazboun, Technologies and innovations for development: scientific cooperation for a sustainable future. 2012. Springer  
9 production costs analysis*: medium and average costs in different kind production cycles*; cycles of kondratiev: long and medium waves in economic tecnologies systems 
10  Research, Development, Competitiveness. Patents. Analysis of the major industrialized countries. The European knowledge economy. Community policies on innovation. The "Lisbon strategy": Indicators of the policy priorities. 
11 Economic development, innovation and competitiveness in Italy*. Technological balance of payments in Italy*. Technology transfer: advantages and disadvantages. Transfer of industrial property rights: patents, trademarks and designs, know-how 
12 Transfer Contracts. Licensing (license); Joint ventures; Direct investment participatory agreements, contract manufacturing, Venture Capital. Services related to the transfer of technologies*. Success factors in the transfer of technology. 
13 The evolution of technology, types and forms of technology: hard, intermediate, and appropriate technologies. New “high-tech” or “science based” technologies. Technologies in productive activities: traditional technologies, mixed technologies, authomatic tecnologiesRedmond- Lock, Educational innovations and contemporary Technologies, Springer, 2015 - Grade A., S. Vicari, G. Verona - ''Technology, Innovation, Operations'' - Ed. Egea, Milano, 2006; - Henderson, Jeffrey. ''Globalisation  
14 Automation of industrial production. Historical and technical aspects of automation. The automatic production cycle. The automatic control of production processes with the electronic systems. Process control automation*. Evolutionary stages of procesDodgson-Salter-Gann, The management of tecnological innovations , Springer, 2008 
15 The automation of production for parts Rigid, programmable, and flexible automation. Transfer lines and the assembly line. The automation of production for parts Rigid, programmable, and flexible automation. Flexible automation equipment. 
16 the numerical control machine tools*, mechanical handling systems, hardware and software integration in production systems*, finite elements analysis, bill of materials+ 
17 Flexible production systems and their productive configurations: module and production layoutFlexible production module, cell or flexible island; flexible transfer lines; flexible offline systems; the production system choice; the case of automotive industryRedmond- Lock, Educational innovations and contemporaryTechnologies, Springer, 2015 - Grade A., S. Vicari, G. Verona - ''Technology, Innovation, Operations'' - Ed. Egea, Milano, 2006; - Henderson, Jeffrey. ''Globalisation  
18  Technologies with the aid of the computer. Area of design and engineering (CAD / CAE area). FEA analysis. Planning of the production process (CAPP / GT system) 
19 Automated management of production systems. Area of production planning and control systems Production management. ''Lead time''. Techniques of production management: pull and push systems*Dodgson-Salter-Gann, The management of tecnological innovations , Springer, 2008 
20 Technology with the help of computers; computer integrated manufacture; evolution of industrial automation; degree of complexity; Design and product engineering; production planning and control 
21 presentation of different case study in class room with sicilian managers 
22 Voluntary management of quality Introduction to the course. Presentation of the topics Definition of quality according ISO 8402Quality Management Systems: A Practical Guide Howard S Gitlow, 2000; 
23 Historical evolution of the concept of quality* Quality Insurance and CWQC* Total quality management Quality costs Certification bodies Design for Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champions av Howard S Gitlow , 2006 
24 International standards for quality certification ;Standard ISO 9000/ 1987;Standard ISO 9000 / 1994; Standards ISO 9000 / 2000; Standards ISO 9000 /2008; Steps for quality certification; PLAN DO CHECK ACT Deming cycle 
25 Statistical tools for quality control in the company * Cause and effect diagram, pareto diagram; the bar chart, correlation, the control cards 
26 The managerial tools for quality control in the company * PERT diagram, Decision management diagram, relationship diagramthe affinity diagram, process decision program chart 
27 circular economics in modern tecnological systems+: exemples and cas studies of green economy applied in sicilian firms and presentation in class room of environmnetal voluntary instruments+ 
28 returns of scale*, intensity and type of work*, decentralization, corporate innovation process, innovative project evaluation, integration of financial markets, cost of human resources 
29 system of production flows, kanban method, the area of suppliers, the aims of standardization in quality systems, management of quality based on processes 
30 definition of risk *, steps to achive quality certifications*, quality manual and procedures, multilateral agreement, costs of quality control 
* Conoscenze minime irrinunciabili per il superamento dell'esame.

N.B. La conoscenza degli argomenti contrassegnati con l'asterisco è condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente per il superamento dell'esame. Rispondere in maniera sufficiente o anche più che sufficiente alle domande su tali argomenti non assicura, pertanto, il superamento dell'esame.

Verifica dell'apprendimento


Oral exams are just in english language as progress tests and final examinations. All information are included and organised at the beginning of the lessons.


Progress tests during the course are planned.


oral exams with about 3 question for each block


1 block

The difference between technology and technique.
Examples. Science and Technology. Discovery,

Invention and Innovation. Industrial Revolution.
Radical and Incremental innovations, process

and product; examples. Forms of pollution and

sustainable development. Technological progress

and the production function. Technology as a

function of technical variables; example

evaluation of the intrinsic quality of technologies.

Appropriateness of technologies.

The life cycle of technologies and a product. Vanishing point

and innovation model of product and process. Research,

Development, Competitiveness.

Patents. The European Knowledge Economy and

Community policies on innovation. The technology transfer.
2 block
Technologies in productive activities. New technologies.

Circular economics Rigid, programmable, and flexible automation.

Process and production automation for parts.

Flexible Manufactoring Systems. Computer Aided Design ; CAE, CAPP, Computer Aided Manufactoring; Finished Eleents analysis, CAP. Pull and push

3 block
Definition of quality; the quality pyramid; the quality manual;

procedures for quality assurance; quality management

standards; statistical tools for quality control of companies;

statistical and managerial tools for quality control in the company

Apri in formato Pdf English version