SECS-P/08 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: students will understand the main digital marketing activities to develop and implement a digital marketing strategy and service design techniques and models in order to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organisations. Moreover, students will acquire competences in understanding factors affecting the different roles of digital marketing in the firm in order to proceed to the formulation of appropriate digital marketing strategies. Knowledge and understanding will be fostered through classroom lectures, examples, and applied activities, as well as through discussions with executives and entrepreneurs.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding: students will have the ability to analyse specific digital marketing and service design problems and to develop a problem-solving skill by applying the conceptual models to the specific contexts. The development of these competencies will be facilitated by classroom discussions of case-studies and seminar lessons. Students will be able apply conceptual models and literature contributions in different businesses, through the presentation of a service design and/or a digital marketing project.

3. Making judgments: students will acquire the critical ability to judge and evaluate which approaches and practices are more appropriate in different markets and organisations’ contexts. Such results will be achieved mainly through the discussion of case-studies and the interaction with marketing managers during the seminar lessons.

4. Communication: students will be trained to express themselves in appropriate language and to be able to communicate with potential partners (managers, academics, experts) using a clear and appropriate language. This ability will be solicited through discussions with the lecturer and the managers during tutorial discussions, and through the presentation of a service design and/or a digital marketing project.

5. Lifelong learning skills: students will develop good independent learning skills that enable them to: address the main digital marketing and service design decisions within the firm and the related models for the evaluation of results; undertake further individual paths of training; read and understand the specialized literature. This will be solicited through the lectures and the seminar lessons and the in-depth material provided.

Detailed Course Content

The main goal of the course is to build up appropriate competences to understand the role of digital marketing in order to reach, engage, and serve the empowered consumer and service design within the processes of innovating (creating new) or improving (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organisations. In this perspective, the course adopts some of the most modern approaches to service design, such as design thinking and customer experience management, and provides a particular focus on digital marketing strategies. In particular, the course aims to provide the basic knowledge about: content and evolution of digital marketing and service design; different roles of digital marketing and service design projects in the firm; models and operating techniques for SEO, SEM, Email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing; processes and methodologies for designing services; techniques and models for the management of a service design project aimed at innovating or improving services.

Textbook Information

1. AA. VV. This is Service Design Thinking, Wiley, 2011
2. Dodson I., Sala V.B. L'arte del marketing digitale. Guida per creare strategie e campagne di successo, Apogeo, 2016

3. Reason B., Lovlie L. e Brand Flu M. Service Design for Business, Wiley, 2016
4. Norman D.A., La caffettiera del masochista, Giunti Editore, 2014
5. Pine B.J., Gilmore J.H L'economia delle esperienze, Etas Rizzoli, 2000
6. Bertoli M. Web Marketing per le PMI: Fare business con SEO, email marketing, Google, Facebook & co. Hoepli editore, 2012
7. Maltraversi M. SEO e SEM: guida avanzata al web marketing. Edizioni LSWR, 2016
8. Gorni N., Maglio, M. Email marketing 2.0: Strategie e tecniche efficaci per fare business. Hoepli Editore, 2013
9. Testa A., Di Fraia G. I segreti di Google AdWords: Guida avanzata per ottimizzare le performance e moltiplicare i profitti. Hoepli Editore, 2013
10. Di Fraia G. Social media marketing: manuale di comunicazione aziendale 2.0. Hoepli Editore, 2012

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