SECS-P/08 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding:

The student acquires advanced knowledge about the reasons that pushed various European countries to liberalize their industries. Along the course, liberalization politics regarding the main public service industries will be examined by operating a comparison in terms of efficiency between Italy and its main rivals at European level. A common element among the three moduls is certainly the continuous comparison among public and private management.


2. Applying knowledge and understanding:

The constant examination of case studies for each single industry typology will allow students to develop understanding of the difference between theory and practice.


3. Making judgements:

The student acquires the capacity to apply the strategic approach being at the roots of public and private firms’ decision-making process, especially with regard to norms and laws limiting their choices and new managerial needs. In order to favor the elaboration of autonomous judgements, students will be often invited to express personal opinions, and it will be required to analyze specific projects in order to help their overall evaluation.


4. Communication skills:

The student will always be able to clearly communicate his/her thoughts proving to having correctly understood the work done together with the instructor. The verification of communication abilities, in abstract or analytic form, will rely on the oral examination (final exam), but also along the all course wherein students wil be required to do continuos interventions about the subjects debated in class.


5. Learning skills:

The student acquires a high learning capacity able to make him/her autonomous in managing his/her professional development with regard to the analysis and implementation of public policies. With this purpose and, in particular with regard to the elaboration of a team work, the students acquires abilities regarding bibliographic research proving to have acquired sufficient knowledge and abilities in building a research project following the main logical criteria and following the guidelines provided by the instructor.

Detailed Course Content

Course syllabus


*1) the definition of public service [Dispense: Il concetto di servizio pubblico: Generalità]; – Lecture 1

*2) the liberalization of transports in Italy [Dispense: I trasporti tra liberalizzazione, regimi transitori e “allenamento alla concorrenza”]; – Lecture 2

*3) the deregulation of the airlines’ industry in Italy and in the rest of the world [Dispense: La deregulation del trasporto aereo in Europa: Il caso Italia]; – Lecture 3

*4) the airline industry and the competition of low-cost firms [Dispense: Le compagnie low-cost e la tutela dei consumatori]; – Lecture 4

5) some data regarding rail transport [Dispense: Liberalizzare le ferrovie: Gli esempi europei e il ritardo italiano]; – Lecture 5

*6) future scenarios after the liberalization in the rail transport [Dispense: I possibili scenari nell’economia delle ferrovie europee dopo l’attuale fase di trasformazione]; – Lecture 6

*7) rail transport analysis: the industry in Italy and Great Britain, and the strategic importance of rolling equipment [Dispense: Concorrenza e regolazione nel settore ferroviario: L’importanza del materiale rotabile]; – Lecture 7

8) the bad management of transports in Italy: a data analysis [Dispense: Trasporti: I costi inutili di Ferrovie e Alitalia]; – Lecture 8

9) main issue and critical factors in the creation of a hub [Dispense: Come nasce un hub]; – Lecture 9

10) the regulation system regarding airports in Italy [Dispense: Aeroporti e compagnie aeree: Elementi per una valutazione del sistema di regolazione in Italia]. – Lecture 10

11) the crucial role of e-business within utilities [Dispense: Scenari di e-business nei settori europei delle utilities]; – Lecture 11

*12) an analysis of the water service industry [Dispense: Water resources management in a globalised economy: Towards a multi-level regolatori approach]; – Lecture 12

13) the evolution of laws in Europe [Dispense: Le nuove incombenze derivanti dall’evoluzione normativa dell’Unione Europea nel settore idrico. Gli effetti sulle tariffe]; – Lecture 13

*14) competition in the water service industry: the concept of unbundling [Dispense: Le illusioni della concorrenza nel settore idrico]; – Lecture 14

*15) the world’s energy problem and the gas’ productive chain [Dispense: Approvvigionamento energetico: Nuove opportunità operative, finanziarie e giuridiche nella filiera del gas]; – Lecture 15

16) the industry liberalization in Italy [Dispense: Il federalismo energetico nel settore del gas naturale tra vincoli ed opportunità]; – Lecture 16

17) gas availability in Italy [Dispense: L’emergenza gas in Italia: Premesse, fatti e interventi]; – Lecture 17

18) the creation of an energy stock exchange in Italy [Dispense: Verso una Borsa del gas in Italia: Principali problemi e opportunità]; – Lecture 18

*19) origins of the electric industry in Europe and its liberalization [Dispense: Le fasi di sviluppo dell’industria elettrica in Europa]; – Lecture 19

20) the regulation in Italy (part 1); [Dispense: Regolazione incentivante per incrementare la qualità del servizio elettrico: L’esperienza italiana] – Lecture 20

21) the regulation in Italy (part 2) [Dispense: La riforma italiana del servizio elettrico: Un caso di policy failure]; – Lecture 21

*22) growing strategy for firms operating in the electricity productive chain [Dispense: La politica delle concentrazioni in campo elettrico in Europa e comportamento della Direzione Generale Europea della Concorrenza]; – Lecture 22

23) a comparison between firms operating in the electricity business and firms operating in the utilities industry [Dispense: L’internazionalizzazione attiva e passiva in Italia nel settore delle utilities]. – Lecture 23

*24) radical change in the telecommunication industry [Dispense: Linee evolutive nell’industria delle telecomunicazioni]; – Lecture 24

25) the regulation and transformation of the industry [Dispense: Un mondo molto imperfetto: Le telecomunicazioni tra concorrenza e dominanza strategica]; – Lecture 25

*26) the unbundling problem in the telecommunication industry [Dispense: Regolamentazione della condotta e regolamentazione strutturale: Il caso Telecom Italia e l’esperienza dei paesi dell’OECD]; – Lecture 26

*27) the main strategies implemented by telecommunication firms [Dispense: Concentrazioni nei servizi di pubblica utilità in Europa: Il caso delle telecoms]; – Lecture 27

*28) the role of private sector in the national health service: main instruments and entry opportunities [Dispense: Il project finance nel settore sanitario. Stato dell’arte e prospettive in Italia]; – Lecture 28

*29) cooperating strategies in the national health service [Dispense: Strategie di rete per i sistemi multi ospedalieri: Analisi e valutazione]; – Lecture 29

*30) the concept of quality in the national health service: customers’ advantages [Dispense: La misurazione della qualità nelle aziende sanitarie]. – Lecture 30

Textbook Information

1.Hand outs available on photocopy shop


2. Lectures’ material available online on studium


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