SECS-P/03 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: The course aims at providing information useful to understand the main theoretical elements about efficiency and effectiveness of public policies and their quantitative and qualitative features in Italy, in a comparative perspective with specific attention to the European Union. Special attention will be paid to the evolution of the role of the stae, decentralization issues and the economic effects of corruption. Going through these topics, students will be able to understand the evolution of public intervention models in Italy and the related economic and political debate as well as the implications deriving from corruption.

Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to analyze, also in a comparative perspective, official documents and reports to evaluate the effects on efficiency and equity of different models of public intervention, of the spending review reforms, of the Italian federalist evolution and anti-corruption policies.

Making judgements: Analyzing different theoretical approaches and their policy implications, students will improve their ability to evaluate in a critical way, with a comparative perspective, the performance of public spending, of fiscal federalism and of anti-corruption policies.

Communication skills: The presentation of theoretical and empirical issues referring to the evolution of the role of the state, the efficiency of public spending and the anti-corruption policies will allow students to acquire adequate knowledge of technical words and terminology; oral and written communication skills will be also stimulated through classroom activities - such as discussion and seminars- and written examinations.

Learning skills. Students learning skills will be stimulated through power point presentations and discussions, aimed at verifying the understanding of the topics presented in the lectures. The use of additional didactic material (official documents, economic newspapers and magazines) will also stimulate students’ skills.

Detailed Course Content

Quantitative and qualitative features of public intervention policies in Italy, in a comparative perspective with a focus on the European Union. Efficiency and equity of public spending. Models of spending review and the Italian experience. Economic theories of fiscal federalism. Evolution of decentralization in Italy, with specific reference to municipalities. The model of intergovernmental grants based on standard expenditure needs. Intergovernmental fiscal coordination. Economic analysis of corruption. Measurement of corruption in a comparative perspective. Efficient and effective policies to contrast corruption.

Textbook Information

  1. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, The Quality of Public Expenditures in the EU (pp. 1-34). http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/occasional_paper/2012/pdf/ocp125_en.pdf
  2. OECD, Government at a glance, 2015 (cap. 1) http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/4215081e.pdf?expires=1444023205&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=98D14BFBE316E6F5E85F55F8CFCB9623
  3. OECD, Government at a glance, 2017 (cap.13 e 14) http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/4217001e.pdf?expires=1506873349&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=871A427CABD46ED7617C81EBC3338DB1D.

  4. MONACELLI - A. PENNISI, Spending Review: una, nessuna, centomila, in A. Sacchi – R. Santolini (a cura di), L’esperienza di spending review in Italia, Economia Pubblica, F. Angeli, 2015, fascicolo monografico, pp. 69 – 108

  5. C.COTTARELLI, Ten lessons from the 2014 Italian spending review, in A. Sacchi – R. Santolini (a cura di), L’esperienza di spending review in Italia, Economia Pubblica, F. Angeli, 2015, fascicolo monografico, pp. 177 – 186.

  6. A.PETRETTO, Le specificità dei processi di revisione della spesa pubblica locale, in A. Sacchi – R. Santolini (a cura di), L’esperienza di spending review in Italia, Economia Pubblica, F. Angeli, 2015, fascicolo monografico, pp. 157 – 175.W.

  7. OATES, Toward a Second-Generation Theory of Fiscal Federalism, in International Tax and Public Finance, 2005, vol. 12, 349–373. http://econweb.umd.edu/~oates/research/2ndgenerationfiscalfederalism.pdf

  8. S. PIPERNO, La finanza decentrata in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013, cap. 1, 3, 5 e 7.

  9. SOSE, Nota illustrativa di accompagnamento alle note metodologiche: Determinazione dei fabbisogni standard per le Funzioni di polizia locale dei Comuni (FC02U) Determinazione dei fabbisogni standard per le Funzioni nel campo dello sviluppo economico, servizi del mercato del lavoro, delle Province (FP06U)in , 2012 http://www.mef.gov.it/ministero/commissioni/copaff/documenti/nota_illustrativa_fabbisogni_standard_28-06-2012.pdf

  10. N. FIORINO – E. GALLI, La corruzione in Italia. Un’analisi economica, Il Mulino, 2013

  11. D. LEDERMAN – N. LOAYZA – R. REIS SOARES, “Accountability and Corruption: Political Institutions Matter”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2708, 2001. http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2001/12/17/000094946_01120404004589/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf

Additional references may be suggested during classes for updating specific topics.

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