M-STO/04 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is divided into two parts. The first one aims at providing a general, basic knowledge, even if problematic and complex, of the history of the twentieth century, also considering the most updated intepretations offered by historiography. The second one will provide the opportunity to explore some topics by reading specific texts.

Detailed Course Content

World War I; Russian Revolution; Europe between democracy and authoritarianisms; Soviet Communism; Fascism and Nazism; United States and the New Deal; Economy and Society during interwar period; the decline of Colonialism; World War II; Cold War; Decolonization; the Middle East; the Western world; the Communist world; crisis and recovery of the Western world; the fall of the Communist world; the Global era.

Textbook Information

A. The twentieth century: History (4 CFU)


- R. Betts, La decolonizzazione, Bologna il Mulino, 2003, 190 pp.

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