SPS/07 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

In an interdisciplinary perspective, the course includes a presentation of institutional issues of Sociology, in order to allow students the acquisition of theoretical and methodological skills which enable them to analyze social processes characterizing contemporary society. In this respect, the course offers students the theoretical coordinates for a sociological study of the constitutive elements of social system. And, in particular, it enables students to interpret differentiation and social inequality processes (gender, racial, and ethnic differentiation), and social inclusion and integration processes of ethnic and cultural differences in our modern globalized society. The acquired knowledge will enable students to develop theoretical and empirical research capabilities on the addressed social issues.

Detailed Course Content

1 Module: Foundamentals of Sociology

The first part reflects on the following institutional topics of Sociology: object and origin of Sociology; the main dilemmas of sociological analysis: order, change, conflict, action and structure; micro and macro sociology; modern society and culture of modernity; the elementary forms of interaction; social action, social relationship and interaction; systems of interaction and interdependence; status and roles; social groups and their properties; networks and social capital; the power and authority concept; the elements of culture and their implications for social action; values, norms and institutions; identity and socialization; communication; religion and society; gender identity, differentiation and inequality; racial and ethnic identity, differentiation and inequality; social change and the process of globalization.


2 Module: Social Inclusion and Social Integration

The second part reflects on the main patterns of relationships with cultural minorities: enslavement, genocide, transfer, assimilation, pluralism, multiculturalism (in communitarian and plural version) and interculturalism. In particular, we will examine the different conceptions of social integration underlying the current social inclusion models, facing migratory flows constantly increasing and especially facing Muslim migration. In this respect, the course reflects on the relationship between Western cultural identity principles (pluralism, individual rights, democracy, secularism) and the Islamic cultural identity (lack of secularization, collective rights, holistic individualism) with its fundamentalist drift. Finally, it compares the multicultural perspective of social inclusion of the Islamic neo-traditionalism with the pluralist vision of the Liberal Islam, emphasizing their implications on social integration processes in our western society.

Textbook Information

References: 1 module

Bagnasco A., Barbagli M., Cavalli A., Corso di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012, Introduzione, Cap. II, III, V, VI, XIII, X, XV, XXIV (pp. 577-582, 593-602).


On communication issues:

Livolsi M., Manuale di Sociologia della Comunicazione, Laterza, Roma, 2004, dall’Introduzione a p. 47.


Additional teaching materials will be distributed during the lessons.


Suggested readings

Connell R., Questioni di genere, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.

Mancini P., Manuale della comunicazione pubblica, Laterza, Roma, 2002.

Pace E., Guolo R., I Fondamentalismi, Laterza, Roma, 2002.


References: 2 module

Sartori G., Pluralismo, multiculturalismo ed estranei, Bur, Milano, 2010.

Donati P., Oltre il multiculturalismo, Laterza, Roma, 2008, pp. 3-19, pp. 27-32.

Cesareo V., Società multietniche e multiculturalismi, Vita e pensiero, Milano, 2007, Cap. II.

Guolo R., L’islam è compatibile con la democrazia?, Laterza, Roma, 2007, pp. 77-137.


Suggested readings:

Souad Sbai, L’inganno. Vittime del multiculturalismo, Cantagalli, Siena, 2010.

Bassam Tibi, Euro-Islam. L’integrazione mancata, Marsilio, 2003.

Salem E.M., Berti F., Lezioni di cultura islamica, Cantagalli, Siena, 2003.

Samir Khalil, Islam, Cantagalli, Siena, 2008.

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