CHIM/02 - 7 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course will provide the physico-chemical bases of nanotechnologies, with special reference to the classes of molecular materials of interest to advanced technologies. Subject of the course are, therefore, the physico-chemical concepts underlying the behavior of complex systems of molecular aggregates, with particular attention to their application at the nanoscale, and the main instruments and methodologies relevant to their study. Learning objectives, then, will involve the acquisition of the ability to relate the main phenomena at nanoscale level to the physico-chemical laws that control them, as well as the ability to understand and choose the appropriate conditions for the use of methodologies, from time to time, better suited to study nanoscale systems, or to obtain their nanostructuring, in view of their functional properties.

Detailed Course Content

1) Introduction to Nanotechnologies – Definition of the field – Criteria to determine nanometric systems and their relevance – 1D, 2D and 3D systems (2 h)

2) Physico-Chemical bases of Nanostructures and related observation techniques (20 ore)

Textbook Information

Testi di riferimento:

The Course of Physical Chemistry of Nanotechnology is newly created and will be held for the first time in 2016/2017 AA (2nd semester), so that (in the first delivery of the course) Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals will be made available to students from time to time.

1) Introduction to Nanotechnologies

Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals.

2) Physico-Chemical bases of Nanostructures and related observation techniques

Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals.

Chapter 2,3,5,7, e 9 from "Soft Condensed Matter", Richard A.L.Jones, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Chapter 3,4,7 e 9 from "Electrical Propertiesof Polymers", T.Blythe and D.Bloor, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

3) Nanostructuring methods

Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals.

4) Near-field Microscopy

Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals.

5) Nanotechnology and life sciences

Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals.

6) Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics

Lecture notes and articles from specialized Journals.

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