GEO/02 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The goal of the course is to provide suitable knowledge and comprehension concerning the following topics: • principles of stratigraphy and basic elements of stratigraphic correlation • spatial and temporal analysis of the stratigraphic successions • relative dating methods and Geological Time Scale • execution of stratigraphic logs and elementary geological profiles

Detailed Course Content

Concepts and aims of Stratigraphy and definition of Stratum. Principles of Stratigraphy and corollaries. Methods of stratigraphic correlation. Sedimentation rate. Stratigraphic lacunes. Lithostratigraphic units. Stratigraphic boundaries and their chronological meaning. Smith’s faunal succession principle. Biostratigraphic units. Fossils and stratigraphy. Bioevents and homotaxy. Elements of radiometric datings. Radiometric dating and geological events. Age-depth diagrams. The geologic time. Chronostratigraphic and chronological units. Stratotypes and Global Stratotype Section and Points. The Geologic Time Scale. Unconformites. Facies. Relative and absolute sea-level changes. Transgression, regression and sedimentary cycle. Walther’s principle. Depositional geometries. Basic components of a geological map. Execution of stratigraphical logs and elementary geological profiles.

Textbook Information

- A. Ferrari: Unità stratigrafiche e correlazioni, Pitagora Editrice Bologna.
- S. Raffi-E. Serpagli: Introduzione alla Paleontologia, Utet Torino (pag. 3-20. 419-505).
- P. Cotillon - “Stratigrafia”, Ed. Hoepli Milano.
- L. Montanari – “Approccio alla Geologia Stratigrafica”, Dario Flaccovio Ed., pag. 229-288.

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