CHIM/06 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Aim of this course is to provide a deeper insight into topics such as acid-base equilibria and heterocyclic chemistry whose knoledge is a prerequisite for understanding biological chemistry. Multivariate design is a general approach very useful in organic synthesis.

Detailed Course Content

Acids and bases in organic chemistry: quantitative aspects. Heteroaromatics: reactivity with electrophiles and nucleophiles. Side chain reactivity of heterocycles and tautomerism of hydroxy and amino groups. Determination of tautomeric constants. Heterocycles in life and society: hereditary information, enzymes, vitamins, photosynthesis, pharmaceuticals and phytopharmaceuticals, dyes. Multivariate experimental design in organic synthesis.

Textbook Information

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