L-FIL-LET/09 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understandig:

Basic knowledge about the material aspects of the tradition of medieval texts, ie codicological, paleographic and linguistic, with the ability to understand the technical vocabulary in the description of manuscripts; knowledge related to labeling and cataloging of manuscripts in libraries and archives, with the ability to understand the ways that drive advanced research in the field of critical literature specialist; basic knowledge about the edition of medieval texts, ability to understand the different types of publication and to read critical editions.


applying knowledge and understanding:

- Ability to apply the technical vocabulary in the description of the manuscripts; ability to deal with specialist research in archives and libraries; ability to apply the basic knowledge related to the paleographic reading and perform some basic steps in the process of editing medieval texts
- Ability to produce an analysis with commentary, with a focus on vocabulary, grammatical forms, narrative structures of female mystical texts of the Middle Ages, in comparative and diachronic perspective. Ability to place the interpretation of texts in a broader context, cultural, social and human.


making judgement:

Given the complexity of the topics and the different methodologies that will be presented, and given the way in which this complexity will be reassembled and coordinated, students will develop independent judgment, both about the topics dealt with, and in relation to different issues philological, linguistic, literary-historical and cultural that will be faced in the formative process.


communication skills:

The student will acquire communication skills, general and specific, thanks to the acquired knowledge, aiming to achieve a good technical vocabulary, philological, linguistic, literary, and ways of learning and testing, involving group exercises, written and oral, group work to be exhibited to the class in a seminar format.


learning skills:

The student will acquire the ability to learn through advanced techniques of relationship with the text, in its various aspects, material, philological, linguistic, literary, cultural, including the use of online search engines, databases and computerized repertories .

Detailed Course Content

The course is composed of two parts:

  1. Critic of the texts: writing materials and methods of editing texts novels.
  2. Women and texts: the medieval feminine mystique.

The first technical part provides the student with knowledge and skills related to aspects of materials production, transmission and publication of medieval texts, also with references to modern philology. The second focuses on the feminine mystique texts of the Middle-Age, in order to investigate the specificity and alterity of “words” that express the “unspeakable”, and to analyze a literary and cultural phenomenon of great significance for the Middle Ages but also for the contemporary world.

Textbook Information

1-A. Varvaro, Prima lezione di filologia, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012.

2-A. Stussi, Breve avviamento alla filologia italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna 2010.

3-R. Librandi, La letteratura religiosa, Il Mulino 2012.

4-Scrittici mistiche italiane, a c. di G. Pozzi e C. Leonardi, Marietti 2004 (parti da concordare)

5-L. Muraro, L’esperienza delle mistiche, in Lo spazio letterario del Medioevo. 2 Il Medioevo volgare 4: l’attualizzazione del testo, a cura di p. Boitani, M. Mancini, A. Varvaro, Salerno ed., Roma 2004, pp. 627-50.

Further material will be provided during the lessons. Or contact the teacher.

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