3 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Nowaday researchers and students could dispose of a quite rich and wide range of software support. On the other hand, while we denote a number of different word processing software, when we come at hand with scientific publishing, such word processots are not so practical and often inadeguate.
Generally, for scientific publishing purposes, in order to create high quality documents, noticeable for their fruibility and typographical level, it is possible to use a more thorough support, such as LaTeX. Differently with respect to other word processors, the LaTeX systems make use of an entire language of its own, which, once interpreted by the LaTeX processing software, can enalbe us for any kind of document production.Typically LaTeX is used to edit scientif papers, or other high quality documets completely customized by the user.
One main drawback of this approach lies on the interface which, at a first sight, could be a less intuitive than word processors such as LibreOffice Writer, Pages, Word, etc .
During this course the student will learn the LaTeX language and practice in laboratory with many exercises and hands on sessions.

Detailed Course Content

*WARNING: this is an approximate list of the contets

  1. Introduction: TeX e LaTeX

  2. Structure of a .tex file, formatting, spaces and notations

  3. Titles, sections, chapters, labels, referencing, footnotes, styling

  4. Environments, items, flushing, tables, floating bodies

  5. Math with LaTeX

  6. Graphics, figure, advanced formatting

  7. Margins, paragraphs, pagination

  8. References, tables of contents, bibliography

Textbook Information

  1. T. Oetiker, H. Partl, I. Hyna, E. Schlegl: The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, https://tobi.oetiker.ch/lshort/ (2016)

  2. L. Pantieri, T. Gordini: L’arte di scrivere con LaTeX, http://www.lorenzopantieri.net/LaTeX_files/ArteLaTeX.pdf (2014)

  3. L. Lamport: LaTeX a document preparation system, 2nd edition (1994)

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