BIO/09 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

1. Brain and mind: historical aspects

2. Cognitive processes and neural activity.

3. Memory and learning

4. Attentional processes – Sleep and dream. Hypnosis.

5. Language.

6. Gnosis and praxis

7. Executive functions. Intelligence.

8. Emotional processes,

9. Emotions and autonomic responses.

10. Emotions and stress. Emotions and behavior.

11. Anxiety and aggression.

12. The action and its motivations.

13. Sexual behavior.

Textbook Information

FONDAMENTI DI PSICOLOGIA FISIOLOGICA, di Neil R. Carlson, R. Bellucci, Editore: PICCIN. Anno 2003

PSICOFISIOLOGIA. Dalla genetica comportamentale alle attività cognitive. A cura di Stegagno Luciano. Editore: ZANICHELLI. Anno 2009

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