MED/28 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at teaching the principles of orthodontic diagnosis, clinical examination and treatment planning.

1) to teach to the students the craniofacial growth; the discrepancies of maxillary and mandibular bone on the three space planes; the cephalometric analysis, examination of the space analysis in order to provide a correct orthodontic diagnosis of dento-skeletal pathologies of craniofacial complex (to distinguish I class from the II and from the III); identify asymmetry, impacted teeth, dental agenesis, dental overcrowding).

2) To know which are braces and orthopedic implants and how they act in the oral cavity.

Detailed Course Content

I. Radiographic examination

Mention about cranium posterior-anterior teleradiography

Intraoral radiography

Hand radiography

Photograph examination:

o Intraoral and extra oral photograph

o Classification of oral disharmony acc. To RICKETTS

II. Therapy

Treatment Goals:

a) Basic:

1. Centre line

2. Occlusal transverse connection

3. Rotation

4. Mesiodistal inclination

5. Neuromuscular function

6. Included teeth

7. Dento-dental disharmonies

b) Complex:

1. Space

2. Shape (1:APO)

3. Dental OVJ

4. Dental OVB

5. Skeletal class (or OVJ S)

6. Skeletal vertical dimension

7. Mesiodistal occlusion connection

III. Orthodontic therapy


Removable devise: retentive elements, active elements

Fixed device: retentive elements as

a) Brackets: types and cementing techniques

b) Rubber band: I, II, III classes, verticals, crisscrossed

c) Headgear

d) Biomechanics of I class with extraction acc. To RICKETTS

e) Biomechanics of II class without extraction

f) WILSON bimetric arch

IV. Orthopedic therapy

Orthopedic headgear:

a) Introduction

b) Direct headgear: chin cup

c) Indirect headgear: low-pull, high-pull, straight pull, vertical headgear, DELAIRE headgear (inverted headgear), HICKHAM headgear, combined headgear (T. E. Activator)

Functional orthopedic therapy

o Definition

o Pronciples

o Classification of Herbst

a) Activator of I generation (Andersen)

b) Activator of II generation (Bionator, Bimier)

c) Activator of III generation (Frankel)

V. Contention


Lingual arch (fixed device)

Removable devices

a) Hawley plates

b) Metallic skeletal plates

c) Crozat braces

d) Activator


e) Positioner (introduction and set up)

Textbook Information

Proffit - Fields - Sarver – Ackerman: ORTODONZIA MODERNA
Editore: Edra Masson, 2013
Editore: Masson

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