M-PED/03 - 3 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

The lessons will be carried out through a "mixed" methodology of a frontal and laboratory nature in the classroom through the active, collaborative and inclusive participation of the students.

Detailed Course Content

The teaching aims to focus attention on the following topics:

-Presentation of the Course and meaning of the object of investigation of the special pedagogy;

- Epistemologies of reference;

-Strategies and good practices of inclusive support;

- School inclusion: the most urgent challenges;

-The life plan of the disabled student

- Ability to process the knowledge acquired to prepare inclusive training projects;

-Capability Approach and disability;

- Profile and skills of the inclusive teacher;

-Professional standards of the teacher in the “new” didactic action;

- Active and inclusive teaching strategies.

-Examples and good practices of inclusive teaching methodologies and strategies.

Textbook Information

-Roberto Dainese, Le sfide della pedagogia speciale e la didattica per l'inclusione, Franco Angeli 2016, ISBN:978-88-917-4188-2;

-Daniela Gulisano,Scuola, competenze e capacit-azioni. Nuove sfide didattico-pedagogiche per la professionalità attiva del docente. Un’indagine esplorativa, Pensa Multimedia 2019, ISBN:978-88-867-6065-59.

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