L-LIN/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at developing and going into depth with the main cultural features and phenomena, literary genres and mainstream authors and works of the XXth century Spanish literature. It also aims at consolidating interpretative and critical skills in studying contemporary Spanish texts through the analysis of temporality and narrator’s voice.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars.

Detailed Course Content

The course goes into depth with formal aspect of the texts taken in consideration, examining the literary skills of representative Spanish authors of the XXth century; it will provide an analysis of the use of beats, captions and the articulation of temporality in a play.

Textbook Information

  1. History of literature (the student will choose one of the following):

- LINA RODRÍGUEZ CACHO, Manual de historia de la literatura española, Volumen 2: Siglos XVIII al XX, Madrid, Castalia (the pages relating to the authors chosen by the student).


b) Anthology:

- Pilar Quel Barastegui, Antología de la literatura española. Vol. III (Siglo XX), Messina, Lippolis, 2012 (the pages relating to the 15 authors chosen by the student).


c) Reference methodological texts:

­– GERARD GENETTE, Figure III. Discorso del racconto, Torino, Einaudi.

– ANGELO MARCHESE, Dizionario di retorica e stilistica, Milano, Mondadori.

– IDEM, L’officina del racconto, Milano, Mondadori.


Required reading:


Innovative structures of the Spanish-language theatre and prose.


-Alfonso Sastre, Ana Kleiber (any edition);

-José Antonio García Blázquez, El rito, Barcelona, Destino, 1974;

-Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo (any edition).


Critical texts:

- Domenico Antonio Cusato, Il procedimento dell’iterazione in Ana Kleiber di Alfonso Sastre, in “Nuovi Annali della Facoltà di Magistero dell’Università di Messina”, n. 3, 1985, pp. 1055-1063.

- Domenico Antonio Cusato, Di Diavoli e arpie. L’arte narrativa di José Antonio García Blázquez (introduction and 2nd chapter “El rito: Il narratore presuntuoso ovvero la vocazione di scrittore”), Roma, Bulzoni, 1995, pp. 45-68.

- Domenico Antonio Cusato, Dentro del laberinto. Estudios sobre la estructura de “Pedro Páramo”, Roma, Bulzoni, 1993, pp. 118.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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