Contemporary French and Francophone Literature

L-LIN/03 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to deepen the dynamics of modern French and Francophone literature, through the analysis of literary genres. After a careful examination of the specificities of the different genres, emphasis will be put on the theatrical genre, through a whole series of literary and critical texts, which will highlight some key moments. Finally, a reflection will be made on the specificity of French and francophone cinema.

Course Structure



Ongoing verification

Detailed Course Content

The theater of the twentieth century and contemporaneity.

French and Francophone cinema

The reinterpretations: from classics to contemporaneity

Textbook Information

A 6 ECTS: Contemporary francophone theatre : dialogue between Arts


Sartre, Huis clos (any edition)

Beckett : Fin de partie, Comédie, Pas Moi, Paris, éd. De Minuit

José Pliya, Le complexe de Thénardier, Paris, L’Avant-scène, 2001

Caya Makéhélé, Sortilèges, Acoria, 2012

Caya Makéhélé, Létrangère , Acoria, 2013

Wajdi Mouawad, Seuls, Arles, Actes Sud, 2008

Wajdi Mouawad, Le sang des promesses,

(La tétralogie), ActesSud/Lémeac, 2009

Wajdi Mouawad, Incendies, Montréal, Lémeac, 2009.

Wajdi Mouawad, Incendies, étude critique par François Coissard, Paris, Champion, 2014.

Denis Villeneuve, Incendies, version cinématographique, 2010

Littoral, Mouawad, version cinématographique, 2004.

Valse avec Bachir, Ari Folman, 2008


B 3 ECTS: The reinterpretations: from classics to contemporaneity

From Albert Camus to Kamel Daoud : Albert Camus, L’étranger, (any edition); Kamel Daoud, Mersault contre-enquête, Paris, Actes Sud, 2014

Assya Djebar, Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement, Paris, Nouvelles, éd. des Femmes, 1980

Tahar Ben Jelloun : Lettre à Delacroix, Paris, Gallimard, 2005

M. Narvaez, A’ la découverte des genres littéraires, Paris, Ellipses.

P. Chartier, Introduction aux grandes théories du roman, Paris, Dunod.

D. Leuwers, Introduction à la poésie moderne et contemporaine, Paris, Dunod.

M. Sandras, Lire le poème en prose, Paris, Dunod.

J.-J. Roubine, Introduction aux grandes théories du théatre, Paris, Dunod.

Antonin Artaud, Le théatre et son double.(any edition)


At the student's choice, three poetry collections, three theatrical works and three novels of French and Francophone literature of the twentieth century and contemporary.


During the exam, the student will present a paper on a topic of their choice.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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