AGR/15 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To supply knowledge necessary to connect the elements acquired in other courses of different areas with the specific matters of packaging and distribution of food products; to develop the ability to undertake, and/or direct, conscious and effective decisions concerning food packaging.

Course Structure

Lectures (28 hours - 4 CFU) and exercises (28 hours - 2 CFU) (classroom and company), also on line.

If teaching is done in mixed or remote mode, specific changes to the program may need to be made.

Detailed Course Content

Definitions, statistics and modern tendencies. Outlines on materials science. Diffusional properties. Packaging materials: chemical structure, production techniques, characteristics, uses and disposal for glass, stainless and coated steels, aluminium, cellulosic materials and plastic polymers. Rigid and flexible packaging. Packaging technologies. Shelf life.

Textbook Information

  1. Food Packaging – Materiali, Tecnologie e qualità degli alimenti. L. Piergiovanni, S. Limbo, Springer, Milano (ISBN 978-88-470-1456-5);
  2. Imballaggio e confezionamento dei prodotti alimentari – Teoria e casi pratici. Gordon L. Robertson. – Edagricole (ISBN 978-88-506-5237-2);
  3. Packaging Technology – Fondamenti di tecnologia dell’imballaggio. W. Soroka, Istituto Italiano Imballaggio srl, Milano.

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