SECS-P/06 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

  1. Knowledge and understanding (Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione). The unit aims to provide knowledge of the main economic aspects related to Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) along with both their link to some Industrial Organisation (IO) issues and their implications for economic growth.
  2. Applying knowledge and understanding (Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione). The unit aims to develop skills in applying information, using appropriate methods, concepts and theories regarding the ITC, IO, and growth to the analysis of real-world cases.
  3. Making judgments (Autonomia di giudizio). Successful students will be able to select a proper economic model in order to analyse both theoretical and real-world cases.
  4. Communication skills (Abilità comunicative). Successful students will be familiar with both the terms and the narrative related to High Technology, Industrial Organisation and Growth. Furthermore, they will be able to communicate to a variety of audiences including experts, practitioners, and the general public.
  5. Learning skills (Capacità di apprendimento). Successful students will be able to understand which theoretical concept is appropriate to deal with specific problems in the field of high technology, industrial organisation, and its link to growth.

Course Structure

In-class lectures and seminars.

Please note that the structure might change due to the ongoing pandemic.

Detailed Course Content

Industrial Organisation of Hi-Tech Markets. The economics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): an introduction. ICT investments in Research and Development (R&D). Small firms grow online. ICT as general-purpose technologies. ICT and information goods. ICT as a product. Facebook: network effects in action. There’s an app for that: a mention to apps pricing issues and strategies. Google: the new Big Brother? ICT, the economic value of information, and related privacy issues.

Digital Markets. Market efficiency. Empirical evidence on digital markets efficiency. Price dispersion on digital markets. Versioning and building. Dynamic pricing.

Network Externalities. Network externalities and critical mass. The dynamics of technology adoption. Competition, compatibility and standardisation. Strategies towards standardisation. Switching costs and network externalities.

Access and Interconnection in Telecommunications. One-way access. Access pricing with imperfect downstream competition. Local loop unbundling. Access and investments: the ladder of investments theory. Two-way access and interconnection. Interconnection fee and collusion. Interconnection and calling rates. Interconnection and the “receving party pays” regime.

Cumulative Innovation in Dynamic Industries. Patents and other appropriability mechanism. Standing on the shoulders of giants. Patent thickets and anticommons. The issue of weak patents.

High-technology industry and growth. Innovation and Growth: The Schumpeterian Perspective. Cross-country comparative analysis.

Textbook Information

Recommended textbook

Further readings

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