SECS-P/12 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1.Knowledge and understanding

The course aims to provide knowledge and information useful for the acquisition, understanding and interpretation of the events that have marked the historical evolution of the phenomenon of "enterprise" in capitalist society, with particular reference to the relationship between business and industry in Italy


2. Applying knowledge and understanding

Through the study of the evolutionary stages of the different forms of enterprise, with particular reference to our national context, the course aims to provide students with the ability to apply knowledge assimilated to a variety of operating fields


3. Making judgments

The course aims to help students develop the ability to understand similarities and differences in the evolutionary processes of the different forms of enterprise, thus helping to understand the strengths and weaknesses that have characterized the economic development of various countries


4. Communication skills

The teaching will tend to develop in the student the ability to interact and transfer to other knowledge acquired gradually, with particular reference to the processes of development of the phenomenon of "enterprise" in its various forms and sectors


5. Learning skills

The student will acquire in-depth knowledge on the theories of enterprise as well as the evolution of its size and shape. The student will also learn important issues such as the management and governance of public and private enterprises. The student will be able to acquire skills useful to get an interpretive overview of the development of the company and the work of the entrepreneur in relation to the Italian case

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

The business theory. Business and its context. The development of business dimensions and structures. Business management and government. The rise and fall of state-owned enterprise. Business and industry in Italy from the political union to the present

Textbook Information

1. P.A. Toninelli, Storia d’impresa, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012

2. F. Amatori – A. Colli, Impresa e industria in Italia, Dall’Unità a oggi, Marsilio, Venezia 2003


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