SECS-P/07 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Title of the course: Accounting and Financial statement

Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to provide the student with the theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting methodology. The contents will deal with the accounting logic in order to be able to represent and understand the management facts and read the financial statements, acquiring the specific language and criteria for interpreting and evaluating the related items.


Applying knowledge and understanding: The knowledge acquired in accounting matters will lay the foundations for developing the student's technical-accounting skills and competences related to the use of of the double-entry accounting method to understanding the economic, financial and equity dynamics that take place within the company. In particular, the student will acquire the ability to observe the management facts under certain observation aspects and will be able to understand the systematic nature of the accounting records, arriving at the determination of the net income and of the connected working capital.


Making judgements: The course will enable students to develop autonomy of judgment in understanding business phenomena. The student will be able to analyze, interpret, evaluate, detect and represent management facts by understanding the dynamics of financial accounting and commenting on the related results shown in the financial statements.


Communication skills: Based on the knowledge gained, the student will develop communication and relational skills, for business consulting and other job positions linked to the accounting function in private and public organizations.


Learning skills: The learning process will allow the student to understand the business dynamics on a unified and coordinated vision and to read and interpret business phenomena, in order to know the connected dynamics that generate the accounting results.

Course Structure

The teaching program is divided into 3 parts and contains the accounting tools and methods in order to acquire the keys for reading and interpreting accounting and company Financial statements. The lessons are frontal and during the course there will be some seminars. The teaching method will lead to the acquisition of knowledge related to the discipline and, in order to develop the applicative capacity of such knowledge, exercises and case studies will be carried out.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

The course’s contents are articulated as follow: The concept of firm. Corporate balance. Business Economics and Accountancy. Logics and methods of financial accounting. The double-entry method. Year’s entries: purchases and sales, the cost of labour, property pans and equipment, owners’ equity, loans and investments. Year-end closing entries, the financial statement. The general conditions and principles for the preparation of financial statements. Principles of Evaluation.





1. Introduction to the course. The concept of firm

Text 1: part 1, Slide by teacher

2. Business Economics and Accountancy

Text 1: part 1, Slide by teacher

3. Financial accounting and firm’s equilibrium. The management circuits

Text 3: chapters 1, 2

4. The managerial (economic and financial) aspects. The double entry method

Test 2: chapter 4; Text 3: chapter 3, Slide by teacher

5. The double entry method. Method and examples

Test 2: chapter 4; Text 3: chapters 3-4, Slide by teacher

6. The double entry. Application

Text 3: chapter 4

7. Income and balance sheet

Text 3: chapter 3

8. Purchases and sales

Text 3: chapters 5-6-9

9. Economic Added Value

Text 3: chapter 5

10. Property, Plans and Equipment

Text 3: chapter 8

11. The cost of labour

Text 3: chapter 7

12. Owners equity

Text 3: chapter 10

13. Short-term loans

Text 3: chapter 11

14. Short-term loans

Text 3: chapter 11

15.Long-term loans

Text 3: chapter 11

16.Long-term loans

Text 3: chapter 11

17. Year-end closing entries

Text 3: chapter 13

18. Integration entries

Text 3: chapters 13-20-22-23

19. Integration entries

Text 3: chapters 13-19

20. Offsetting entries

Text 3: chapter 13

21. Offsetting entries

Text 3: chapters 13-17-20

22. Amortization

Text 3: chapters 13-16

23. Amortization

Text 3: chapters 13-16

24. The general conditions and principles for the preparation of financial statements

Text 3: chapters 14-15; Text 4: chapter 2, Slide by teacher

25. The financial statement

Text 3: chapter 26; Text 4: chapters 1-3, Slide by teacher

26. The financial statement

Text 3: chapter 26; Text 4: chapters 1-3, Slide by teacher

27. Principles of Evaluation

Text 3: third part; Text 4: chapters 5-6, Slide by teacher

28. Principles of Evaluation

Text 3: third part; Text 4: chapters 7-8-10-12

29. Cash flow statement, informative notes

Text 3: chapter 26; Text 4: chapter 3, Slide by teacher

30. Double entry exercises

Slide by the teacher.

Textbook Information

1. PAOLONE G., L’economia aziendale e la ragioneria, nella teoria e nelle specializzazioni, Franco Angeli, 2011 (Cap. I; cap. 2; cap. 3 par. 10,11; cap.4 par. 1,2). Optional text

2. CARDILLO E., I sistemi contabili e l’impostazione del metodo di rilevazione, in Poselli M., (a cura di). “ Introduzione alla Ragioneria generale. Concetti, logiche e metodi ”, Giappichelli Editore 2008; Parte II (cap. 4). Optional text

3. CERBIONI F., CINQUINI L., SÒSTERO U., Contabilità e bilancio, McGraw-Hill, V edizione, Milano 2019; Parti: I-II-III -IV. Main Reference text

4. CAPODAGLIO G., DANGARSKA V.S., SEMPRINI L., Il Bilancio di esercizio. Struttura e principi di redazione. Apogeo education, 2019 (Capp. 1-13). Optional text

5. Slides by the teacher that support the learning of topics discipline.

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