SECS-P/08 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding . At the end of the course the student will know and understand the main conceptual categories relating to the business system and, in particular, to the environment in which the firm operates, to the positioning choices in the industry, to the resources and capabilities within the organization. At the same time, he/she will be able to distinguish competitive, collaboration and growth strategies as well as their planning and implementation processes. The student will also understand the functional strategies, with introductory notes on marketing, financial, operations and logistics functions. Technological innovation and competitive advantage will complete the student's learning path with a focus on digital transformation, digital business models, industry 4.0 and Sharing Economy platforms.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will acquire the knowledge and the comprehension of applicative understanding inherent to the functioning of the companies in different business areas. The course aims to develop participants' aptitude for the strategic management of companies as dynamic systems and for the formulation of decisions through which achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Particular attention is paid to the acquisition of the analytical and conceptual tools suggested in the classroom. Through the presentation of appropriate case studies, the aim is to develop the critical capacity of the participants and the ability to face the problems studied in different, transversal and interdisciplinary contexts.

3. Making judgments. The student will develop independent judgment and ability to link the theoretical topics and the related application plans, with particular reference to the firm management and strategies.

4. Communication skills. The student will acquire communication skills and appropriateness in the use of technical language related to the various themes of economics and business management. Each participant will be able to relate to and transfer knowledge, projects and proposals concerning complex strategic and financial issues to third parties, with clarity and precision.

5. Learning skills. The student will acquire a high learning ability, in theoretical and application terms, able to make him autonomous in the future workplace.

Course Structure

The course will be developed with lectures, workshops with operators, analysis and use of databases, discussion of specific case studies.

Detailed Course Content

The business system: the competitive environment, resources and capabilities in the business system, the business as a "sustainable" system. Strategic management and growth strategies: strategy development, competitive advantage, business models, competitive and collaboration strategies, growth strategies. Strategic planning, strategy implementation, organizational structure and human capital management. Functional strategies: marketing foundamentals; financial evaluation of strategies; operations management; logistics. Technological innovation and competitive advantage: digital transformation, digital business models, industry 4.0, Sharing Economy platforms.

Textbook Information

1. Caroli M. (2021), Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw-Hill Education, Milano.

2. Supplementary learning material provided during the course

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