M-PED/03 - 8 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at the knowledge of the concept of school inclusion through the study of the wide and varied concept of disability and the main methodologies and strategies to promote optimal school inclusion of students with special needs. The student will know the logic of good practices and the methodological lines to set up an educational planning according to the inclusive perspective. He/she will know the main historical-normative references of Special Pedagogy and the good practices to create an inclusive climate in the school context.

The expected learning objectives, declined according to the Dublin Descriptors, are as follows:

Knowledge and Comprehension Skills (DD1)

- Know and use the basic vocabulary of the discipline (of2)

- Know the training needs at different ages of life and in different training contexts (formal, non-formal, informal) (of3)

Applied knowledge and understanding skills (DD2)

- Relate theoretical and methodological content learned to the interpretation of past, present, and future events and processes. (of4)

- Know how to identify tasks and organizational structure of educational and training services (of5).

Autonomy of judgment (DD3)

- Ability to synthesize the different approaches present in theories of education and training (of7).

Communication skills (DD4)

- Communicate the meaning of one's actions (of8)

- Ability to activate sharing processes (of9)

Learning skills (DD5)

- Identify learning needs (of10)

- Knowing how to define a personal development plan, monitoring one's own actions (of11)

- Be able to promote self-evaluation of their own learning, oriented towards their professional development (of12)

Course Structure

The course is divided into a part of lectures (about 70% of the hours of classroom activities), during which the topics of the course are introduced.

The remaining 30% is dedicated to classroom work: students will be asked to revise the contents of the lectures, to work in small groups, to present their work in the classroom (also at home).

It is possible to participate in tests in progress.

If the course is taught in mixed mode or at a distance, the necessary changes may be introduced compared to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the planned program and reported in the syllabus.

In order to guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the educational objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disability and/or DSA) teacher of the BIOMETEC Department.

Detailed Course Content

Basic use of Word and Power Point is required to complete assigned work.

Textbook Information

Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Lessons are characterized by the active participation of students. Their attendance of the lessons allows them to progressively acquire mastery of the contents, to confront themselves with colleagues and with the teacher on themes and problems, to constantly verify their own learning levels.

During the classroom activities, students will have the opportunity to actively work on the learning contents of the course. Frontal lessons will be alternated with moments of group and individual work; moments of presentation of the material that the students themselves have produced (in the classroom or outside it). These activities will be considered formative verification tests, aimed at allowing the student to self-assess the level of mastery of the contents and tools of analysis of the discipline.

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