BIO/17 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

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Detailed Course Content

Methods of study in cytology and histology
- Outline the general organization of the eukaryotic cell and the main chemical constituents of cells and tissues
- Cell Division: chromosomes, mitotic apparatus, mitosis, phases and cell cycle regulation
- Differentiation of proliferation, apoptosis, intercellular signals


Aggregation cellular tissues, organs and systems. The renewal of tissues. Stem cells and kinetics of cell populations - EPITHELIAL TISSUES: structural classification, embryological and functional epithelia a) coating epithelia: structure and ultrastructure, classification, function and location b) exocrine and endocrine glandular epithelia: morpho-functional classification, histological organization c) coating epithelium and glands of the oral cavity - CONNECTIVE TISSUES: embryonic derivation, general characteristics and classification a) Connective tissue prope: structural and functional characteristics b) Adipose tissue: structural and functional characteristics c) Cartilage: structural and functional characteristics, the cartilage matrix, types of cartilage, histogenesis of cartilage, perichondrium d) Bone tissue: cells and intercellular substance, bone lamellae and lamellar systems, compact and spongy bone, periosteum and endostio, ossification, growth and bone remodeling, bone metabolic functions e) Tooth and oral cavity: morpho-functional dental tissues: dentin, cement, enamel, pulp, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, histological organization of the gums, mouth and glands f) Blood: composition and function; plasma corpuscular elements, hematopoiesis - MUSCLE TISSUES: embryonic derivation, general characteristics and classification a) Skeletal muscle: structural and ultrastructural organization, the molecular basis of muscle contraction, control contraction of skeletal muscle histophysiology b) Cardiac muscle tissue: structural organization and ultrastructural c) Smooth muscle - NERVOUS TISSUE: embryonic derivation, classification, structure and function of: Neurons, glia cells, nerve fibers, synapses


Gametogenesis: the structure of the ovary and testis, meiosis, gametogenesis male and female, hormonal control of oogenesis and spermatogenesis - Fertilization: modification of gametes; histophysiology fertilization, zygote - First week of Development: cleavage, morula, blastocyst, trophoblast and embryoblast - Second Week of Development: implant; bilaminar disc, evolution of the trophoblast - Third and fourth week of development: development of the mesoderm, notochord, the three germ layers and their derivatives; defining the shape of the body - Annexes embryonic - Derivatives of the germ layers: - ECTODERM: lining epithelium, neural tube and brain vesicles - ENDODERM: primitive gut, intestines and bowel anterior pharyngeal: grooves, pockets and pharyngeal arches; development of the salivary glands - MESODERM: paraxial mesoderm: somites and their derivatives - Development of the stomatognathic system: neurocranium and splanchnocranium - Histogenesis of the tooth: the dental lamina, dental buds, the stadium goblet and a bell; origin of dentin, pulp and enamel; formation of crown and root; growth factors in the development of tooth types of dentition and dental eruption - Development of the cardiovascular system - Development of the respiratory system

Textbook Information

Histology (by choice):
1. P. Rosati- R. Colombo - N. Maraldi - ISTOLOGIA 5a Ed. - Edi-Ermes
2. V. Monesi - ISTOLOGIA 6a Ed. - Piccin

Embryology (by choice):
3. De Felici-Boitani - EMBRIOLOGIA UMANA 2a Ed. - PICCIN

4. Barbieri- Carinci - EMBRIOLOGIA 3a Ed. - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

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